Welcome to (finally) American Idol's Season Finale! In this corner, the golden boy...the chosen one...the judges favorite of all time...Adam Lambert! He of the famous shriek, and the solo cover on Entertainment Weekly. America loves this guy. Women and Men alike are not sure if he's available. But really, who cares...
And in this corner, Daaaaaaaanny Gokey!! The D-Goke...The Gokester....the one whose wife passed away and people blame him when it was Idol's producers who made a point to play that up. Danny has got a unique voice, although some consider him cheesy. I really like him and hope he wins the whole thing.
Wait, what's that you say? Danny isn't in the finale? Oh.....um...excuse me, I was slightly delusional there for a second! Yes, that's right - it's Kris Allen in the finale. The man who I once called a Muppet (well, on several occasions, actually...). I fell asleep to a few of his performances this year. Alas, I'm so sick of Adam-mania that I'm going to pull for the young man named Kris (that's with a K, thank you very much). And you know what? He's really not that bad. I cut him up pretty bad at times, but then I also gave him "mad props" at other times. Especially when he sang a brilliant version of "Ain't No Sunshine" earlier this season. Go back and look it up - I loved that version (and I generally know, I know, I know, I know I don't really like that original too much...I know).
So, Adam vs Kris. Let's get this party started. Adam Lambert is up first (he lost the coin toss to Kris and Kris deferred to go second) with his version of "Mad World" by Tears for Fears. I think this got cut off originally on my DVR, so I never saw it live. Adam comes up from the under the stage and walks through the smoke with a long coat on...and dry ice. OMG, the producers are going all out to give Adam fans what they want. You know, this song gets stuck in my head but I think that's because it's a good Tears for Fears song. I'm actually a little bored by this version of the song - he definitely has moments where you say, yeah, he's good. But overall, I think he's set Kris up for a first round victory. I think Adam did the smart thing because most people loved this when he did it originally. And I will give him credit in not going off the rails in his typical Sam Harris fashion. So good job, but I'm not going "gaga" over this. But here come the judges...they'll freakin' LOVE this (because they did in the past). So Randy gives him an A+, Kara over emotes her response (god she has gotten annoying as the season has worn on), Paula looks like she's had a face lift or a tan or both - oh, and she loves Adam and says he was brilliant, and Simon...well, Simon said it was a little over theatrical tonight. Good call Simon! Said it reminded him of Phantom of the Opera (Randy yells "Twilight! Twilight!!!").
Kris Allen counters with "Ain't No Sunshine" - hey, that's MY choice for him too!!! I know you may say I'm biased, but Kris does a great job with this version. It's even better than last time, I think. I would actually buy this song if I could (don't tell me it's on iTunes, because I already bought Idol songs last year from Carly Smithson and I never listen to them, so I'm not going there...) Seriously, this is a passionate, well sung performance that proves that Kris really does deserve to be here. I would have preferred Danny vs Kris, actually, but I'm not bitter. Anyway, other than a lame final note (did the same thing last time), I thought Kris was brilliant with this version. Kick ass buddy!! Randy (who is looking dapper in a suit and tie!) talks about Basketball (huh????) and then said it was one of his best performances EVER on the stage...nice close up of Kris' wife...then Kara goes crazy telling Kris how much she loves him...wow. It's very Paula like, except Kara can speak. Paula calls him a great artist. Simon said that song proves that he deserves to be there in the final. Simon gives round one to Kris! Woo hoo!!
After some commercials, we come back to Ryan walking through the celebrity filled audience, and he tells us the next songs were picked by Idol producer Simon Fuller. First up is Adam with Sam Cooke's "A Change is Gonna Come". I'll give Adam credit for this one - he does a very good to great job. Yes, he goes off the rails at times, but generally, he's actually quite controlled during a good part of this, especially at the beginning. He is also on stage with a suit, and looks the part of a star. He doesn't have any smoke or long coats or any of that crap. Very well done - and it restores my faith that Adam can actually perform pretty well when we stops believing his own hype. I mean, there are times he goes so overboard he pulls out a Sam Harris moment from Star Search, but overall, I don't mind it on this song. It's the kind of song that is supposed to build and build and he does a very good job. Congrats Adam... The judges? Randy said he can sing his face off, and it was unbelievable. Kara said it was the best performance he's ever done. She noted that he used both sides - controlled and upper range. Paula said it was the best ever...ever....ever....and that he looks like a superstar. She says he'll be ICONIC. Wow. Simon said Adam is back in the game.
Nice shot of Tom Cruise's wife...Katie Holmes, looking totally bored, and holding Suri's ears.
So Kris better come back strong, because it will be tough to top Adam's last song. Simon Fuller picks "What's Going On" by the late, great Marvin Gaye. It's just Kris up there with his guitar, along with 3 other band members. It's a funky, stripped down version of the song. I really love this version - it's different from the original, and yet, very Kris Allen-esque. I haven't always liked what he's done with popular songs (see "All She Wants to Do Is Dance"), but I think he hit this one out of the park. I would probably call this a draw - maybe from an energy standpoint, I'd give a slight edge to Adam. But not much - I think this was great!! Randy said it didn't have enough energy for him (what!?!?). Kara said it was a great choice by Simon Fuller - because it was socially conscious...oh kayyyyyyyyy....Paula said he did Marvin Gaye proud (thank you very much Paula!). Simon said it was like listening to 3 friends in his bedroom strumming some Marvin Gaye, and it was too laid back and that Kris didn't make it his own. You, Simon, are an IDIOT for this comment. Are you kidding me? Didn't make it his own? Too laid back? That's Kris' style, and he definitely made it his own. Go listen to the original, then listen to Kris' version and tell me they are not different. That's totally Kris' style...I can't believe Simon said this! I'm steaming at this point...he just wanted to even this up, and I'd call this round a draw, with possibly a slight edge to Adam. But very very close. In fact, screw it - I'm downloading some Kris Allen tomorrow on iTunes. I don't care what anyone says.
Shocker - Simon gave this round to Adam. "Million Percent Adam..." Yeah, sure Simon...it was SOOOOOOO much better. Get your head out of your behind, Cowell.
OK, so the final song will be the "signature" original song for whoever wins. And that means it's going to be cheesy and horrible. It has to be. We come back from the commercial with all the "Idols" from this season (sans Adam and Kris, natch...but there is my girl Alexis! I miss her!!!!)...and we're informed that this song, "No Boundaries", was co-written by Kara. Isn't "No Boundaries" a tagline for Ford?? Anyway, Adam sings this putrid song - which by the way, contains the words "Mountain", "Hurricane", "Pain", "Dreams", "Higher", "Deeper"....OMG - this is just a horrible song, and Adam doesn't do it any favors. He looks constipated during the entire thing. I hate this song, but I can't blame Adam. He can't help it if Kara served up a giant turd of a song. Ugh....please, let the song end...wow, this really will be on the album of the winner?? I feel sorry for that person! I used to like Kara. Wow... Randy has the balls to stand up and say he didn't care for the song (take THAT Kara!!!). But he says Adam is a superstar - he can sing the phone book. A little pitchy in spots, though. Kara name drops her co-writers. She was moved and proud, and Adam has the audacity to thank Kara for giving him that song - it was "beautiful", according to Mr. Lambert. Yeah...no it wasn't. Adam, stop the brown nosing. America loves you and you're going to win tomorrow night. You don't need this. Tell Kara next time, please leave out the main ingredient of 100% American Cheese and just write a good song. Puhleez!! Paula said she'll be a fan forever (she never actually says anything about the song!). Simon says, "I'm not going to judge that song, I"m going to judge you..." He said Adam is one of the most original artist ever on Idol. He believes he's found the next star in Adam.
Now it's Kris' turn to sing "No Boundaries". Kris sounds like he's sleeping during the first part of this performance. I don't like his version either. It's still the same crappy song. I don't think either of them did anything with this song, but it's not their fault. Kris sounds like he's really straining during this song. Wow, it sounds awful at times. But again, I'm not knocking Kris. Adam's version sounds better, but that's not saying much. This type of song lends itself to Adam's bombast, so in some ways, I think he wins round 3 over Kris. But none of this matters - Kris can't possibly beat King Adam, but he did himself proud tonight. Randy says exactly what I just said - Kris did an amazing job this season. Kara says she doesn't want him judged on her song (ha! That's because it's CRAP Kara!) She congratulated him on a great season, and hoped people voted for the entire season. Paula said it was a compelling finale, and he deserves where he is in the spotlight. Simon said Kris' best song was his first song, and he's come a long way from the beginning of the show. Simon said he deserves to be on that stage tonight.
So who won? Well, I personally think Kris was better tonight (especially on his first song), but I also thought Adam did a very nice job with his second song. The third song was a wash. I think Adam has this in the bag, but I also wouldn't be totally shocked if Kris ends up winning because he DOES have a big fan base (you need to in order to get to the finale). But if I was a betting man, I'd put my money on Adam being season 8's winner. Regardless of what happens, both Adam and Kris will more than likely BOTH have record deals, and I'll more than likely NOT buy either of them. Because I rarely do (exceptions - Clarkson/Underwood/Daughtry). Speaking of Carrie Underwood, she comes out to sing her version of the Motley Crue 80's classic "Home Sweet Home" (where is Vince Neil when you need him?? Can you imagine a duet?!). My DVR gets cut off, but that's OK because I was taping "Glee" anyway, so it's all good.
Tune in tomorrow for the big finale - I'm sure there will be a lot of fun, surprises and time wasted on a TWO HOUR finale. Ugh...I'll watch it of course, but I'll probably just fast forward through a lot of it. And no Lost tomorrow...oy vey...what am I to do?? :^) Thanks for reading my Idol Blog this season. I really hope to post on other topics between seasons, so keep checking back from time to time. And maybe I'll write up a review of the finale tomorrow night. We'll see...anyway, enjoy!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
American Idol Season 8 - Week 10
And then, there were 3. As upset as I was that Allison Iraheta was voted off last week instead of Kris, I can honestly say that the 3 remaining Idol hopefuls are all good in their own way. Danny has a distinctive, soulful voice. Kris has pulled off some of my favorite performances of the year. And Adam? Well, as I've said all year, he's definitely entertaining, regardless of how you view his singing (I think he goes overboard too often, and he's starting to get on my nerves, but I still enjoy seeing what he comes up with).
So onto tonight's show. Each contestant will sing two songs - one chosen by the judges, and one personal choice. First up is Danny Gokey, who by the way, is the choice of Vote For The Worst.com - really? C'mon...I disagree - they called him cheesy and compared him to Taylor Freakin' Hicks! No way...he's way better than the Silver Fox. Of course, I should probably disclose here that I was a big Katherine McPhee fan, so I was voting against Hicks.
Paula has chosen "Dance Little Sister" by Terrence Trent D'Arby as Danny's song. I have that album and know the song, but when I first hear the choice, I immediately say, right artist, wrong song. I would have picked "Sign Your Name" instead (more on that later). So Danny comes out and sings himself a little TTD, and I think he does a very good job. The judges don't care for his dancing, which is at times very clumsy, but hello! It's a singing competition! One of the complaints against Danny is people don't know what kind of artist he'll be. I think he could be a Michael McDonald type, with a little Joe Cocker filled in for good measure (wow, that sounds like what they used to say about Taylor Hicks...er....nevermind). In other words, a white soul singer. I think the song ended up being a decent choice, but I still would have loved to hear him sing the more popular "Sign Your Name" (which is also a better song to begin with). I also liked the little bit of scatting that D-Goke pulled off there. At this point, nobody is really doing anything they haven't done already, so you have your favorites. Mine is Danny, so I'm rooting for the guy. Randy loved it - said it was "dope, dude". Kara said the singing was right in Danny's money spot, but the dancing was distracting. Paula thought Danny's dancing was really good, and loved his singing. Simon said the dancing was desperate - the vocals were quite good. He didn't like the sax during the middle of the song. And then Simon says exactly what I said earlier - he should have done "Sign Your Name".
Kris Allen's song is One Republic's "Apologize" - as someone who doesn't really listen to today's music, I don't know this song. At least I don't think I know this song. But after listening to it 3 times, it sounds familiar. The lengths I go through for this blog...anyway, Randy and Kara picked this one. Since I don't know the original that well, I don't know what to think. The vocal is competent, but I don't really get too excited about this. Kris sitting in front of the piano. Kinda boring. I just didn't feel it. Randy thought this was exactly the type of song Kris should be performing - very nice, according to the Dawg. Kara said it was competent, but it could have been better. She wanted something that was unique - make it his own. Paula was proud of Kris, even though he hit a "bum note" that was quite loud, according to Paula's ears. Simon takes Kara to task for picking the song and then complaining about him doing the song. He said it was a competent version of the original, but not as good.
Season 8 winner Adam Lambert is up next, and Adam learns that he'll be singing U2's "One". Simon takes this opportunity to tell us that he personally contacted Bono and got permission. Adam comes out bathed in blue light, by himself. It starts out OK, pretty quiet actually. Once he picks up the microphone and starts walking, he shrieks in typical Adam fashion. I really don't like this at all. I know everyone will say what a powerful voice. But it's way too hysterical to be a good cover of this U2 classic (off of my favorite album of theirs, and one of my all time favorite albums, Achtung Baby). I didn't care for it, but I KNOW the judges will say it was the best version ever. Randy gushes over it - unbelievable vocals, although he did complain about Adam going off the melody. Kara said he did it his own way and made it unbelievable. Yeah, Kara, he can do that, but that doesn't make it good. Kara also does a horrible impression of Simon. Paula called it "one brilliant song, one superb performance, and one American Idol I'm staring at right now!" Simon said it was a brilliant song choice, and that Adam is brilliant. Brilliant. They all say he'll definitely be there in the finals, which means I hope he's not there. I'd love to see their faces next week (although again, I always look forward to what Adam is going to attempt...it's usually pretty entertaining).
Whew! Round two coming up. I'll keep these comments brief. Because I'm tired, and this keyboard sucks. So here goes.
Danny Gokey - sings "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker. I sound like a broken record, but whenever he sings a ballad, he starts out slow, and then builds it up to a strong middle and ending. I enjoyed it - it wasn't my favorite performance by him, but it was good and nicely done. Randy said he can really, really, really sing....mad vocals! Kara said it was stunning. Paula was left breathless. Simon called it a "vocal master class". Wow. I don't think Simon has ever given him that big of a compliment.
Kris Allen - sings "Heartless" by Kanye West. Apparently the Fray have also covered this. But I haven't heard either of these songs (again, I don't listen to the modern radio much). And even though I have never heard the original, I love this version. This is exactly why Kris deserves to be here in the final 3, and I wouldn't be upset if he is in the finals and boots Adam. He's definitely grown on me in the last 10 weeks, and I thought it was a great performance. Randy said it was the best performance of that song by anyone (including the original!). Kara said it was bold, brave and fearless. Perfect. Paula said he was brave to sing a song about Simon. She commended him - bravo. Simon said after the lame song choice for the first song, and written Kris off - but after this performance, that has changed.
Adam Lambert - sings "Cryin'" by Aerosmith. Didn't Kara mention this song last week, as a possible song for Danny? Maybe Adam heard that and decided to try to tackle. Because this is more of an uptempo song, I can accept some of the "off the rails" moments from Adam, but he takes it even further than he has in the past. I really don't know if I'm awe of that voice or scared of it! Wow. Just wow. It's not really my cup of tea, so as I said, I wouldn't be devastated if Adam gets booted this week. Especially after the gushing from the judges. Randy said Adam is one of the best contestants ever. Kara said it was amazing, and she'll see him in the finals. Paula said we'll see him next week. (ENOUGH ALREADY!!) Simon finally adds some common sense - he says everyone shouldn't assume Adam will be there...but then urges everyone to vote for Adam so he'll be there. Adam, as gracious as he is, said that he is honored to be in the final three with Danny and Kris. That was a classy, nice thing to say.
So I'm continuing to pull for Danny, and not just because he's my only hope for the office pool. I can picture hearing Danny in my dentist office, on a light rock station. I can see Kris being on the radio as well. Adam - well, he's a shoo in to have an album out. He's already on the cover of Entertainment Weekly - by himself.
I'm not going to predict the finale, but I thought everyone did a good job tonight. When you're in the final 3, you better be good! I did vote for Danny about a dozen or so times. Don't know if that helps or not, but at least I've got "Vote For The Worst" on my side (still can't believe that).
So we'll see what happens - I promise not to write a novel for the finale. At least, I'm not planning on it! ;^)
So onto tonight's show. Each contestant will sing two songs - one chosen by the judges, and one personal choice. First up is Danny Gokey, who by the way, is the choice of Vote For The Worst.com - really? C'mon...I disagree - they called him cheesy and compared him to Taylor Freakin' Hicks! No way...he's way better than the Silver Fox. Of course, I should probably disclose here that I was a big Katherine McPhee fan, so I was voting against Hicks.
Paula has chosen "Dance Little Sister" by Terrence Trent D'Arby as Danny's song. I have that album and know the song, but when I first hear the choice, I immediately say, right artist, wrong song. I would have picked "Sign Your Name" instead (more on that later). So Danny comes out and sings himself a little TTD, and I think he does a very good job. The judges don't care for his dancing, which is at times very clumsy, but hello! It's a singing competition! One of the complaints against Danny is people don't know what kind of artist he'll be. I think he could be a Michael McDonald type, with a little Joe Cocker filled in for good measure (wow, that sounds like what they used to say about Taylor Hicks...er....nevermind). In other words, a white soul singer. I think the song ended up being a decent choice, but I still would have loved to hear him sing the more popular "Sign Your Name" (which is also a better song to begin with). I also liked the little bit of scatting that D-Goke pulled off there. At this point, nobody is really doing anything they haven't done already, so you have your favorites. Mine is Danny, so I'm rooting for the guy. Randy loved it - said it was "dope, dude". Kara said the singing was right in Danny's money spot, but the dancing was distracting. Paula thought Danny's dancing was really good, and loved his singing. Simon said the dancing was desperate - the vocals were quite good. He didn't like the sax during the middle of the song. And then Simon says exactly what I said earlier - he should have done "Sign Your Name".
Kris Allen's song is One Republic's "Apologize" - as someone who doesn't really listen to today's music, I don't know this song. At least I don't think I know this song. But after listening to it 3 times, it sounds familiar. The lengths I go through for this blog...anyway, Randy and Kara picked this one. Since I don't know the original that well, I don't know what to think. The vocal is competent, but I don't really get too excited about this. Kris sitting in front of the piano. Kinda boring. I just didn't feel it. Randy thought this was exactly the type of song Kris should be performing - very nice, according to the Dawg. Kara said it was competent, but it could have been better. She wanted something that was unique - make it his own. Paula was proud of Kris, even though he hit a "bum note" that was quite loud, according to Paula's ears. Simon takes Kara to task for picking the song and then complaining about him doing the song. He said it was a competent version of the original, but not as good.
Season 8 winner Adam Lambert is up next, and Adam learns that he'll be singing U2's "One". Simon takes this opportunity to tell us that he personally contacted Bono and got permission. Adam comes out bathed in blue light, by himself. It starts out OK, pretty quiet actually. Once he picks up the microphone and starts walking, he shrieks in typical Adam fashion. I really don't like this at all. I know everyone will say what a powerful voice. But it's way too hysterical to be a good cover of this U2 classic (off of my favorite album of theirs, and one of my all time favorite albums, Achtung Baby). I didn't care for it, but I KNOW the judges will say it was the best version ever. Randy gushes over it - unbelievable vocals, although he did complain about Adam going off the melody. Kara said he did it his own way and made it unbelievable. Yeah, Kara, he can do that, but that doesn't make it good. Kara also does a horrible impression of Simon. Paula called it "one brilliant song, one superb performance, and one American Idol I'm staring at right now!" Simon said it was a brilliant song choice, and that Adam is brilliant. Brilliant. They all say he'll definitely be there in the finals, which means I hope he's not there. I'd love to see their faces next week (although again, I always look forward to what Adam is going to attempt...it's usually pretty entertaining).
Whew! Round two coming up. I'll keep these comments brief. Because I'm tired, and this keyboard sucks. So here goes.
Danny Gokey - sings "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker. I sound like a broken record, but whenever he sings a ballad, he starts out slow, and then builds it up to a strong middle and ending. I enjoyed it - it wasn't my favorite performance by him, but it was good and nicely done. Randy said he can really, really, really sing....mad vocals! Kara said it was stunning. Paula was left breathless. Simon called it a "vocal master class". Wow. I don't think Simon has ever given him that big of a compliment.
Kris Allen - sings "Heartless" by Kanye West. Apparently the Fray have also covered this. But I haven't heard either of these songs (again, I don't listen to the modern radio much). And even though I have never heard the original, I love this version. This is exactly why Kris deserves to be here in the final 3, and I wouldn't be upset if he is in the finals and boots Adam. He's definitely grown on me in the last 10 weeks, and I thought it was a great performance. Randy said it was the best performance of that song by anyone (including the original!). Kara said it was bold, brave and fearless. Perfect. Paula said he was brave to sing a song about Simon. She commended him - bravo. Simon said after the lame song choice for the first song, and written Kris off - but after this performance, that has changed.
Adam Lambert - sings "Cryin'" by Aerosmith. Didn't Kara mention this song last week, as a possible song for Danny? Maybe Adam heard that and decided to try to tackle. Because this is more of an uptempo song, I can accept some of the "off the rails" moments from Adam, but he takes it even further than he has in the past. I really don't know if I'm awe of that voice or scared of it! Wow. Just wow. It's not really my cup of tea, so as I said, I wouldn't be devastated if Adam gets booted this week. Especially after the gushing from the judges. Randy said Adam is one of the best contestants ever. Kara said it was amazing, and she'll see him in the finals. Paula said we'll see him next week. (ENOUGH ALREADY!!) Simon finally adds some common sense - he says everyone shouldn't assume Adam will be there...but then urges everyone to vote for Adam so he'll be there. Adam, as gracious as he is, said that he is honored to be in the final three with Danny and Kris. That was a classy, nice thing to say.
So I'm continuing to pull for Danny, and not just because he's my only hope for the office pool. I can picture hearing Danny in my dentist office, on a light rock station. I can see Kris being on the radio as well. Adam - well, he's a shoo in to have an album out. He's already on the cover of Entertainment Weekly - by himself.
I'm not going to predict the finale, but I thought everyone did a good job tonight. When you're in the final 3, you better be good! I did vote for Danny about a dozen or so times. Don't know if that helps or not, but at least I've got "Vote For The Worst" on my side (still can't believe that).
So we'll see what happens - I promise not to write a novel for the finale. At least, I'm not planning on it! ;^)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
American Idol Season 8 - Week 9
Final four time, and this week, it's Rock and Roll...featuring SLASH! Pretty cool...I didn't realize GnR were around in 85, per Ryan Seacrest, but whatever. So we have four contestants left, and before we begin, I wonder how they're going to pad this into 1 hour...they should have them sing two songs each...I mean, there are plenty of rock songs out there. In any case, all 4 people left can sing, so this should be an interesting night.
First up is Adam Lambert, and here's the funny thing. My dental hygienist Mindy was saying to me earlier today (while I was getting my teeth cleaned) that someone should sing Led Zeppelin. So what does Adam sing? Led Zeppelin's classic "Whole Lotta Love". I'm actually pretty excited to hear this. This is the PERFECT song for Adam - listen, I know I'll get grief from Zeppelin fans, but I really, really enjoyed his performance. I do agree with Slash - he needs to keep from going off the rails TOO much, but I thought he was overall great. The song allows Adam to be Adam - indulge in himself and go flying off the rails at every opportunity. And for once, I didn't think it was uncalled for. He was channelling Robert Plant (although there is only one Robert Plant...) tonight. He really commands the stage and you can tell he's comfortable there. Good job Adam! Randy loved it...so did Kara. In fact, she called him a "Rock God". Kara is really annoying tonight - she is screaming while giving her comments, doing the Billy Idol fist. Paula calls Adam a "Whole Lotta Perfect..." Simon said it could have been a disaster, but instead it was one of his favorite performances that Adam has ever done. Only problem is no one can top it (we'll see, Simon...) Adam tells Ryan he was so excited to get the opportunity to sing some Zep...I think he did Plant, Page and company proud. Can you imagine if he did "Immigrant Song"? Holy crap, he'd probably blow a few blood vessels there. OMG - that would be hilarious hearing that....
Next up is Allison Iraheta, doing "Cry Baby". We learn during the package that it was between this Janis Joplin s and "Somebody To Love" by Jefferson Airplane. Before she begins to sing, I am hoping she chooses "Somebody to Love" because I think it would be amazing. Alas, Slash convinces her to sing the Joplin song. I don't think it is the right choice, but we'll see. She takes the stage, and the first thing I'm struck by is that I am comparing her to the original. It's not that she sings it bad at all, but I think "Somebody to Love" is a better song and would allow her to show more range. Having said that, I think Allison does what Allison does best. She powers through the song, and while I'm still thinking of Janis Joplin while she's screaming "CRY BABY!!!", I can appreciate Allison and her voice. I didn't think it was as good as Adam, but it could have been if she had chosen the other song! Randy didn't think it was a good song choice either. Kara said she definitely sees her singing Joplin, but maybe a different choice (like "Piece of My Heart"). Paula suggests that Allison appear in a biopic of Janis Joplin. And then Randy calls for Simon to give his response (he does this throughout the night, and it's super annoying...it's like he's try to rush Paula through, which normally isn't a bad thing, actually...). Simon said she had confidence and that she's grown a tremendous amount in the past 8 weeks. He said though, that she sounded too much like the original and that she should have chosen "the Queen song". Sorry Simon, but it's not THAT "Somebody to Love"! Allison corrects him, and Simon rewards her by rolling his eyes and then telling her it's time for her to "beg"...what? That is one of the most obnoxious things I have ever heard come out of his mouth. He really can be a d*ck, can't he? If I were Allison, I would have just gone down and punched him...well, maybe not because then I'd be out of the competition, but really...JERK.
Next up is Danny Gokey AND Kris Allen...see, they are going to pad tonight's episode with two duets...oh boy. They sing "Renegade" by Styx. It's ok, but Danny is clearly better than Kris on this. Kris looks uncomfortable up there, even more so than Danny. Danny injects some feeling and soul into the song. Kris kinda just goes through the motions. I wasn't really impressed with this, and hope they don't do this again. :^) Wow, Kris really sounds bad on this. Danny is practically overpowering poor Kris. I couldn't even hear Kris at the end. Randy said he liked the harmonies. Kara said they were better together than by themselves. Paula liked it - powerful and compelling. Simon said Danny was better than Kris.
I'm telling you, Kris Allen looks so uncomfortable out there, like he doesn't want to come back from the break to sing The Beatles. Hmmmm....but he does, and we learn the choice is between "Revolution" and "Come Together", and he picks "Come Together". I was thinking "Helter Skelter" to really shake things up...so Kris is going to make "Come Together" and make it a soulful KA version. Slash suggests that Kris get a little livelier on stage. That's what I said! Kris sings "Come Together", and I thought it was pretty good. It is a little laid back, but Kris does his best to work up a sweat. It's Kris we're talking about here, so there is only so much he can do. It's not really his type of music - he wants to do more of a bluesy version. I think it sounds fine - nothing too memorable, but I thought he didn't embarrass himself. Randy enjoyed it, coming from someone who isn't a rock person. Kara said it wasn't a great performance. Paula said that the song had his signature all over it, and she liked it. Simon didn't like it - it was "rather like eating ice for lunch...it will leave you with nothing to remember it afterwards". Simon says no one could top Adam, and he claims he's right. Kris looks like a person who knows he may be going home this week. Either that, or he didn't get enough sleep (like me!).
Danny Gokey is going to tackle "Dream On" by Aerosmith. That is a big song there, my friend. That song is so identified with Steven Tyler, especially at the end when he screams. That's NOT Danny, so I'm scared to hear this. He starts out ok, but once the song picks up, he (as always) shines. I think the majority of this performance is actually very good - it's just the beginning, and then that scream at the end. It's positively painful to listen to. It starts out kinda ok, but man, it quickly deteriorates. Only Steven Tyler can really do that. Wow...ugh. Randy says he knows this isn't Danny's genre - but he gives him an A+ for effort. Kara said he took the swagger a little bit too far. She also says she sees him singing more "early" Aerosmith like "Crying" or "Crazy" (um, Kara, "Dream On" came out in the early 70's...those songs you mentioned came out in the early 90's....). She's back to her fist pumps again. Please stop. Paula didn't think it was the right song, but says she's a huge fan. She panders to the audience ("How many of you love Danny out there..."), before turning it over to Simon. He said the last note was out of a horror movie. However, after all that, he still thinks Danny will be safe tonight. Danny says he has to go back and listen to it to see if he agrees with the judges or not. I think for the majority of the song it was very good, but that last note...sheesh. Don't do that again!!
Finally, Adam and Allison do a duet to Foghat's "Slow Ride". It's the exact opposite of the other duet - this one really rocks. Both Adam and Allison do an awesome job. As much as everyone gloats about Adam (and really, he deserves a bunch of praise - I'm not arguing this), Allison really impresses on this song. She is such a powerful singer for her age. They are clearly the two rockers left on the show, and in some ways, I wouldn't be disappointed in an Adam/Allison finale. However, I'm still pulling for Danny and either Adam or Allison. I think you would have contrasting styles and therefore make the finale more interesting.
Anyway, all four judges loved it, and I agree! They really rocked it tonight...great, great job Adam and Allison!!
So this is how I rank them tonight (including the performances in the duets):
I think Kris needs to go next - we shall see. He has a big fanbase, but so do the other 3. It's very tough to call.
So who will be booted? Tune in tomorrow night to find out, but my money is on Kris. I sure hope it's not a shocker like Danny, and Allison and Adam definitely deserve one more week. Kris should go. If that happens, then any one of the final 3 would make an awesome American Idol this year. Good luck to all left in the competition at this point...ROCK ON!!!
First up is Adam Lambert, and here's the funny thing. My dental hygienist Mindy was saying to me earlier today (while I was getting my teeth cleaned) that someone should sing Led Zeppelin. So what does Adam sing? Led Zeppelin's classic "Whole Lotta Love". I'm actually pretty excited to hear this. This is the PERFECT song for Adam - listen, I know I'll get grief from Zeppelin fans, but I really, really enjoyed his performance. I do agree with Slash - he needs to keep from going off the rails TOO much, but I thought he was overall great. The song allows Adam to be Adam - indulge in himself and go flying off the rails at every opportunity. And for once, I didn't think it was uncalled for. He was channelling Robert Plant (although there is only one Robert Plant...) tonight. He really commands the stage and you can tell he's comfortable there. Good job Adam! Randy loved it...so did Kara. In fact, she called him a "Rock God". Kara is really annoying tonight - she is screaming while giving her comments, doing the Billy Idol fist. Paula calls Adam a "Whole Lotta Perfect..." Simon said it could have been a disaster, but instead it was one of his favorite performances that Adam has ever done. Only problem is no one can top it (we'll see, Simon...) Adam tells Ryan he was so excited to get the opportunity to sing some Zep...I think he did Plant, Page and company proud. Can you imagine if he did "Immigrant Song"? Holy crap, he'd probably blow a few blood vessels there. OMG - that would be hilarious hearing that....
Next up is Allison Iraheta, doing "Cry Baby". We learn during the package that it was between this Janis Joplin s and "Somebody To Love" by Jefferson Airplane. Before she begins to sing, I am hoping she chooses "Somebody to Love" because I think it would be amazing. Alas, Slash convinces her to sing the Joplin song. I don't think it is the right choice, but we'll see. She takes the stage, and the first thing I'm struck by is that I am comparing her to the original. It's not that she sings it bad at all, but I think "Somebody to Love" is a better song and would allow her to show more range. Having said that, I think Allison does what Allison does best. She powers through the song, and while I'm still thinking of Janis Joplin while she's screaming "CRY BABY!!!", I can appreciate Allison and her voice. I didn't think it was as good as Adam, but it could have been if she had chosen the other song! Randy didn't think it was a good song choice either. Kara said she definitely sees her singing Joplin, but maybe a different choice (like "Piece of My Heart"). Paula suggests that Allison appear in a biopic of Janis Joplin. And then Randy calls for Simon to give his response (he does this throughout the night, and it's super annoying...it's like he's try to rush Paula through, which normally isn't a bad thing, actually...). Simon said she had confidence and that she's grown a tremendous amount in the past 8 weeks. He said though, that she sounded too much like the original and that she should have chosen "the Queen song". Sorry Simon, but it's not THAT "Somebody to Love"! Allison corrects him, and Simon rewards her by rolling his eyes and then telling her it's time for her to "beg"...what? That is one of the most obnoxious things I have ever heard come out of his mouth. He really can be a d*ck, can't he? If I were Allison, I would have just gone down and punched him...well, maybe not because then I'd be out of the competition, but really...JERK.
Next up is Danny Gokey AND Kris Allen...see, they are going to pad tonight's episode with two duets...oh boy. They sing "Renegade" by Styx. It's ok, but Danny is clearly better than Kris on this. Kris looks uncomfortable up there, even more so than Danny. Danny injects some feeling and soul into the song. Kris kinda just goes through the motions. I wasn't really impressed with this, and hope they don't do this again. :^) Wow, Kris really sounds bad on this. Danny is practically overpowering poor Kris. I couldn't even hear Kris at the end. Randy said he liked the harmonies. Kara said they were better together than by themselves. Paula liked it - powerful and compelling. Simon said Danny was better than Kris.
I'm telling you, Kris Allen looks so uncomfortable out there, like he doesn't want to come back from the break to sing The Beatles. Hmmmm....but he does, and we learn the choice is between "Revolution" and "Come Together", and he picks "Come Together". I was thinking "Helter Skelter" to really shake things up...so Kris is going to make "Come Together" and make it a soulful KA version. Slash suggests that Kris get a little livelier on stage. That's what I said! Kris sings "Come Together", and I thought it was pretty good. It is a little laid back, but Kris does his best to work up a sweat. It's Kris we're talking about here, so there is only so much he can do. It's not really his type of music - he wants to do more of a bluesy version. I think it sounds fine - nothing too memorable, but I thought he didn't embarrass himself. Randy enjoyed it, coming from someone who isn't a rock person. Kara said it wasn't a great performance. Paula said that the song had his signature all over it, and she liked it. Simon didn't like it - it was "rather like eating ice for lunch...it will leave you with nothing to remember it afterwards". Simon says no one could top Adam, and he claims he's right. Kris looks like a person who knows he may be going home this week. Either that, or he didn't get enough sleep (like me!).
Danny Gokey is going to tackle "Dream On" by Aerosmith. That is a big song there, my friend. That song is so identified with Steven Tyler, especially at the end when he screams. That's NOT Danny, so I'm scared to hear this. He starts out ok, but once the song picks up, he (as always) shines. I think the majority of this performance is actually very good - it's just the beginning, and then that scream at the end. It's positively painful to listen to. It starts out kinda ok, but man, it quickly deteriorates. Only Steven Tyler can really do that. Wow...ugh. Randy says he knows this isn't Danny's genre - but he gives him an A+ for effort. Kara said he took the swagger a little bit too far. She also says she sees him singing more "early" Aerosmith like "Crying" or "Crazy" (um, Kara, "Dream On" came out in the early 70's...those songs you mentioned came out in the early 90's....). She's back to her fist pumps again. Please stop. Paula didn't think it was the right song, but says she's a huge fan. She panders to the audience ("How many of you love Danny out there..."), before turning it over to Simon. He said the last note was out of a horror movie. However, after all that, he still thinks Danny will be safe tonight. Danny says he has to go back and listen to it to see if he agrees with the judges or not. I think for the majority of the song it was very good, but that last note...sheesh. Don't do that again!!
Finally, Adam and Allison do a duet to Foghat's "Slow Ride". It's the exact opposite of the other duet - this one really rocks. Both Adam and Allison do an awesome job. As much as everyone gloats about Adam (and really, he deserves a bunch of praise - I'm not arguing this), Allison really impresses on this song. She is such a powerful singer for her age. They are clearly the two rockers left on the show, and in some ways, I wouldn't be disappointed in an Adam/Allison finale. However, I'm still pulling for Danny and either Adam or Allison. I think you would have contrasting styles and therefore make the finale more interesting.
Anyway, all four judges loved it, and I agree! They really rocked it tonight...great, great job Adam and Allison!!
So this is how I rank them tonight (including the performances in the duets):
I think Kris needs to go next - we shall see. He has a big fanbase, but so do the other 3. It's very tough to call.
So who will be booted? Tune in tomorrow night to find out, but my money is on Kris. I sure hope it's not a shocker like Danny, and Allison and Adam definitely deserve one more week. Kris should go. If that happens, then any one of the final 3 would make an awesome American Idol this year. Good luck to all left in the competition at this point...ROCK ON!!!
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