A few did stand out, though. Here were my favorites:
Joshua Ledet - Hands down, best performance of the night. If he doesn't make it through, there is something wrong with the voting system they have there, and he would certainly come back as a wild card. Dude was great in Hollywood and Vegas, and he really was great tonight. A much better singer than the gospel guy they had on last season. Not even close.
Reed Grimm - I liked his jazzy interpretation of "Moves Like Jagger". Yes, I know if you're a fan of the original, you probably hated it. And plenty will not like this guy because I can see him getting under people's skin. But I am entertained by his performances, and I just enjoy seeing the obvious joy he gets while being on stage. I don't think it's an act (well, they are ALL acts...).
Creighton Fraker - Sure, he's a little over the top, but at least he breathed some life into the song. Good performance - better than most tonight! Somewhere Adam Lambert is smiling.
Jermaine Jones - If I hear the words "Gentle Giant" one more time. The rich, smooth sounds of JJ worked tonight. Good job - glad they brought this cat back, although I was also hoping for that kid who looked younger than 17 who went up against that Eben kid came back as well. Regardless, I don't think Jermaine will stay, but he could get a wild card vote because he really is different (in a good way) from all the other guys. Can you imagine a Jermaine and Deandre duet? Wow...that would be...interesting.
Phillip Phillips - Or, Phil Phillips. Or Dave Matthews. Serious, the Dave Matthews spastic leg has got to stop. I thought I would hate this when he started and I still didn't really think it was a good song choice when he was done. But nothing he did tonight convinced me otherwise that PP shouldn't stick around, at least for another week. Hope he picks a fun song next week.
Now onto the "eh" performances:
Heejun Han - Heejun and I could hang out and be friends. He's hilarious, seems like a really nice guy, and while he picked a song that to me is "blah", I still think he should stick around. Not a great performance, but nowhere near as bad as the judges made him out to be. I mean, they practically gushed over everyone else, but gave him a little crap for his work tonight?!
Aaron Marcellus - Decent job of Never Can Say Goodbye...at least he had some energy, and has a very good voice. But didn't really stand out to me as a great overall performance.
Adam Brock - Uninspired. I liked Adam in the previous shows, but he took on a really big song tonight and it just didn't work for me, except for a strong ending. Siobhan Magnus sang this a few seasons back, and sang it a lot better in my opinion. Plus, I found out he's a Steelers fan (sorry Karen), so that's a strike against him! :^) Seriously, I found his lack of stage presence not doing him any favors tonight. Far from bad, but also far from amazing (even though it should have been).
Colton Dixon - I don't buy this guy. Yes, he's a servicable singer, but I just can't get past the hair and the look. It just screams to me "I'm going to be that alternative rock star guy...". I liked his sister much more, but that's another story. :^) He's not bad, just doesn't blow me away.
Jeremy Rosado - Eh. Another who put me to sleep. Good voice, but boring song. He won't be here next week.
And now the bleeding ears performances:
Deandre Brackensick - Trying to sound like Phillip Bailey of Earth, Wind and Fire is a dicey proposition to begin with (because you need to be REALLY good to pull it off), and I think he failed miserably. Didn't care for this one bit. Yuk.
Chase Likens - Ugh. How did this guy get on the show?? No idea - he really was horrible tonight. No personality, and his voice was so BORING. I just don't get it. And before you say I don't like country, that's not true. I like Shania Twain and Faith Hill. :^) And Demi Lovato. Oh wait...she's not country. Still...me no likens Chase Likens. If he makes it through, I stop watching. And the Michael Jackson kick? What was THAT??!
Eben Franckewitz - Look, he could be on Disney Channel next week, guest starring on "Shake It Up" or "Big Time Rush" (wait, is that Nickelodeon?)...he's got the Bieb's hair, and I'm sure the young girls all think he's dreamy. But he's not ready for this. Didn't care for him trying to sing Adele (!) - didn't work at all, and at times, sounded awful Should have never made it to the top 12 Guys, but I understand why they did it. I just don't agree.
So there you go...I could see any of my top 10 listed above moving on, but please don't let Deandre, Chase or Eben through. Ugh.
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