Tuesday, May 4, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Post Siobhan, Week 1

Yeah, so Idol was on tonight. They sang some Sinatra songs. Here's what I thought.

Aaron - Hair looks weird. Good, but not great. He's a one-trick pony.

Casey - Horrible. Not a good song choice. Damn, Kara compared him to a lamb.

Crystal - Holy back tattoo. It takes up her entire back. Still a fan - she's good.

Mike - Licks lips a lot. I'll say this - he's consistently smooth. But I still resent him for taking the save weeks ago.

Lee - Too subdued - didn't care for it. Not one of his better performances. Sort of wandered around on stage. Judges overrated him tonight. Nowhere near as good as they said.

Who goes home? Well, I still like Crystal, but I predict shocker tomorrow. Lee goes home. Why not. And if Aaron goes home, I'll complain it was a week too late. Oh, if only Siobhan was around to sing the EPIC "My Way"...what could have been. Now we'll never know... :^(

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