Tuesday, March 1, 2011

American Idol - Season 10

Well, well, well...he we are again. Another season of the show I'm sometimes embarrassed to admit I watch! Yes, It's the "Simon-Free" Idol. Oh, and "Kara-Less" too. Sometimes I could Kara Less about this show...thank you, thank you. I'll be here all season. Tip your wait staff.

Let me just say right off the bat that I probably will end up liking the girls more this season. I know - that's a shock, right? Seriously, the guys weren't that great tonight. In fact, a few of them were downright horrible. But we'll get to that in a second. I just want to pause right now and mention that Siobhan Magnus is awesome. Ok, now back to my blog.

In typical Idol fashion, Ryan Seacrest grates the nerves...he starts things off by giving new judge Steven Tyler a sign that he can hold up when Steven is about to let go either an F bomb or an F finger. Stupid. Decidedly not-epic, as Charlie Sheen would say. More on the judges later.

So, first up tonight is Clint Jun Gamboa. I liked Clint in the previous shows - he had a powerful voice, and I was looking forward to tonight's performance. Unfortunately, he picks Stevie Wonder's "Superstition", which a) you better be bringin' it to pull it off (he doesn't in my opinion), and b) Siobhan did it last year and rocked it. Yeah, I'm a little biased. Clint looks like he's doing some P90X at times up there. Screaming just to scream doesn't do it for me. I wasn't thrilled with this, and was disappointed considering what I remember of him from previous episodes. I will say this, though, at least he didn't start off with a wimpy ballad. I hate when Idol contestants bring down the energy (again, unless they really have an amazing voice...). He did have energy...I just don't think he was consistent enough during the entire song.

Next up is Sly Stallone...er, Jovany Barretto, who in the Top 24 reveal, walks off claiming, "No more shipyards for me, baby...NO MORE SHIPYARDS FOR ME!" Careful Jovany - you may be knocked out in the first round, and no one will remember you other than the dude with the six pack who looks like he should be in an 80's action flick. So Mr. Barretto decides to slow it down and show off his guns...I mean pipes. Well, that's not smart. He chooses "I'll Be". Zzzzzz...zzzzzz....I mean, it's competent, but completely forgettable. Wow, I sound like Simon Cowell! He goes nowhere with this song. Very pedestrian performance. The new judges love it, but Randy brings some sense into this. He says "It's just ok..." Not bad, but nothing that makes him stand out. Nice tone, but it's missing something...NEXT!!

And now for the worst performance so far of the night - Jordan Dorsey. He decides (on his own - it's not a theme night!) to do Usher's "OMG". Now, I like this song, but attempting to do this song is a failure even before he opens his mouth. Why? Well, it's not the type of song that shows off your singing ability. And unless you can do something different with it, it is destined to fail. And here's another thing - he sounds horrible. I have heard this dude sing before and he's not as bad as this performance makes him out to be. The judges all agree with me - yuk! (although JLo uses the clichéd Paula Abdul/Randy Jackson line, "You know I love you, right?") He looks really uncomfortable out there - none worse than when he takes off his jacket. What? And that falsetto? And the backup singers overpowering him with POW POW POW! Ugh. It's just too much. He's probably going home after this dud of a performance. Even he admits it wasn't very good.

Teen heartthrob wannabe (that's for you Karen) Tim Halperin is up next with Rob Thomas' "Come On Over". He reminds me of another Tim from last season, Tim Urban. Far from the worst tonight, it doesn't really blow me away. The judges agree that it wasn't a good song choice. I agree - I've heard him sound better and there was something wrong about this performance. It didn't fit him and he looked kind of awkward out there. But Karen and millions of other females will vote for him. Tim is safe as kittens, to quote Farmer Ted. I don't really have much to say about this performance, which is pretty indicative of what I thought about it. Meh.

Now the next singer is the complete opposite - definitely not forgettable! He's Brett Loewenstern, the redhead who is "embracing himself". He's also doing hair flip after hair flip after hair flip. Paging Willow Smith... Anyway, Brett sings The Doors classic "Light My Fire". It is an absolutely bizarre performance. His voice actually isn't bad - I don't really like it for this particular song, BUT as long as I don't look him thrusting around on stage, it's not bad. But please, stop with the hair. Brett looks like he belongs in Alice in Chains or some other grunge band from the early 90's. But his voice definitely doesn't sound like it's from a Seattle zip code. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it, but I was entertained. I hope he sticks around to see what he does next. I'm glad he's out there doing his thing.

And now for something completely different - James Durbin. My thoughts of him prior to this evening was a Adam Lambert wannabe. Well, I'm eating those words. By far the best performance so far tonight. First of all, he takes on JUDAS PRIEST!! I mean, that gets some points, and he pulls it off. He keeps from going off the rails too much (are you listening Adam Lambert?) He brings some much needed energy to the show,and the judges agree with me. He rocked it out. Great job James! It also gives Steven an opportunity to drop some F bombs. If Charlie Sheen were a judge, he'd say it was "Killer Epic...WINNING...." I like this kid. And Randy utters the words, "Nice and tasty"...wow. That's an interesting choice of words Randy.

Next up is Robbie Rosen. And we go from Judas Priest to Sarah McLaughlan. Tell me, how do you think it's going to turn out? Robbie puts me to sleep. He actually looks like he's getting ready to cry. Can we bring James back out? Standing there with almost no stage presence, he go through "Angel" and I can't really say anything good about it. Again, it's not horrible, but completely forgettable. I wish I could hear what Simon would say about this. But I must be wrong, because the new judges love this guy. Actually, Randy's got my back. He said it was pitchy, dawg. I'm actually yawning typing this. Maybe that's because it's 12:44 am, but the song choice and performance didn't help any!

"Baby lock them doors..." It's Scotty McCreery, this year's country singer on Idol. Scotty's got a very deep singing voice, and I actually thought he was pretty good during his final song for the judges before being chosen for the top 24. He sings "John Michael Montgomery's "Letters from Home" - thank you closed captioning! I know this song, and I think he does a nice job with it. It's not everyone's cup o' tea, but if you like Country Music, I can imagine you'd like this. At times, it sounds like he's imitating a stereotypical country singer, but that's how they sound! So I liked it. I thought he did a good job with what he picked - of course, it sounded note for note like the original, but I think in this case, it worked. I'm a little scared what he'll come up with week to week (especially if he lasts to Disco night, or Gansta Rap night...). But well done. The judges liked it too.

Next up is Stefano Langone, singing Bruno Mars "Just The Way You Are". I didn't care for it at first, but I went back and listened to it again. It's not as bad listening to it the second time, but I've heard him sing even better in previous episodes. But overall good. I didn't think it was great, but good. And compared to most of the singers tonight, that's good enough. And he did hit some nice high notes. The judges like him a lot, too.

Creepy and overrated Paul McDonald is up next, singing "Maggie May". He has that disheveled look, with really white teeth, awkward moves, and a voice that, while unique, is way too off kilter for me. And he gets docked for saying "What's up TV Land!" He looks like Kenny Loggins...drunk...with veneers. The leg kicks. It's all too much. I really don't like this guy's singing style. I'm sure he's a great guy. Well, actually, I have no idea - but seriously, this is a singing competition (thanks Simon!) and from a singing perspective, he's a little too out there for my tastes. And this is coming from someone who is a Morrissey fan. Paul is the "unique" contestant, but unlike the great, wonderful, beautiful Siobhan Magnus, Paul gets on my nerves. But no way is he going home. He'll be around.

Next up is Jacob Lusk, who was the recipient of Randy Jackson proclaiming that JL's version of "God Bless The Child" was the single best performance EVER on Idol. Um. No. Sorry Randy. Epic fail. Was it full of histrionics? Yes. Over the top? Yes. Single greatest performance ever on Idol? No way. Jacob definitely has a spirit that he loves to show, and that's great. He does the old standard "A House Is Not A Home". And he does a great job with it - I think it's much better than his "God Bless the Child" because he's not screaming over the top. Now, I won't go so far as to say it's better than the Luther Vandross version. I mean, JLo makes the following comment: "Luther Vandross is gone, but we have you". Wow! So Jacob Lusk is the equal to Luther?? JLo, you must be trippin'... The guy definitely has pipes...no doubt. And he's one of the best guys. But comparing him to one of the all time great R&B singers after just a few performances? Don't agree with that.

That Coke commercial comes on with The Temper Trap's "Sweet Disposition" - man, I love this song... :^)

So that brings us to our final performer of the night (thank god, because I'm exhausted!). Casey Abrams does Screamin' Jay Hawkin's "I Put A Spell on You". He's doing his own thing and is having fun out there. Compare his performance to someone like Robbie Rosen and it's night and day. Along with James Durbin and Jacob Lusk, it was my favorite performance of the night. Yes, he's a little goofy, but unlike Paul Whiteteeth, Casey is unique without getting under my skin. I did this kid - he should go far in this competition.

I'm too tired to predict who goes home..well, OK, twist my arm. I think it will be Jovany and Jordan packing their bags (although I would pick Robbie and Paul if it were up to me). We'll see if I'm right on Thursday. Now, bring on the ladies tomorrow night. I'm anticipating better vocals tomorrow!!

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