Tuesday, May 4, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Post Siobhan, Week 1

Yeah, so Idol was on tonight. They sang some Sinatra songs. Here's what I thought.

Aaron - Hair looks weird. Good, but not great. He's a one-trick pony.

Casey - Horrible. Not a good song choice. Damn, Kara compared him to a lamb.

Crystal - Holy back tattoo. It takes up her entire back. Still a fan - she's good.

Mike - Licks lips a lot. I'll say this - he's consistently smooth. But I still resent him for taking the save weeks ago.

Lee - Too subdued - didn't care for it. Not one of his better performances. Sort of wandered around on stage. Judges overrated him tonight. Nowhere near as good as they said.

Who goes home? Well, I still like Crystal, but I predict shocker tomorrow. Lee goes home. Why not. And if Aaron goes home, I'll complain it was a week too late. Oh, if only Siobhan was around to sing the EPIC "My Way"...what could have been. Now we'll never know... :^(

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Top 6 - Week 7

Idol only has six more contestants, and in about a month, we'll be at the finale...getting tough, because for the most part, the rest are pretty good singers. But tonight may be a little difficult - it's Shania Twain night. That's not a slam on Shania - it's just, well, her songs are so...Shania, that it will be hard to hear these interpretations. We'll see what happens.

Lee DeWyze is going to take on "Still The One" - are you kidding me? This song, while it was used at the closing of my wedding DVD, was overplayed to the point of severe overexposure, and I can't imagine for the life of me Lee singing this. I'll give this to Lee - when he belts it out, he's got a great quality in his voice. But his lower register is iffy, and the song doesn't start well. If I were Lee, I wouldn't have picked this. It's just too identifiable with Mrs. Twain, and it just didn't sound right to me. A nice moment here and there, but overall, wasn't a big fan of this. Maybe it's just Lee doing Country that I don't get. Randy said he did a pretty good job, dude. Ellen said he made it his own, and said he was cute. Ellen jokes that we're all aboard the "Shania Twain!" Ugh. Kara said Lee warmed up to the song - good job. Although she quotes the line "Look how far we've come..." Double ugh. Simon has the audacity to say it was the perfect song choice - no way...I disagree. Although, I'm not familiar enough with her music to know what else he could have sung (surely not, "I Feel Like A Woman!").

Why does Shania Twain end half her songs with exclamation points? And why does Ryan refer to Lee as "DeWyze"? That's so middle school...I really can't stand Ryan - he just comes off like such a pompous ass.

Mike Lynche sings "It Only Hurts When I Breathe" - never heard this one before. I realize during the package with Shania and Mike that Shania is clearly Canadian. And I don't mean the carbonated water that I used to buy all the time at UD back in the early 90's with my dining plan points. Um...anyway, I don't really care for this song either. I mean, Mike's got a very good voice. But I just didn't feel it - he throws a falsetto in there for a moment, and at the end, and Shania looks like she's going to cry. I don't know - didn't work for me. Not BAD, but nothing memorable. Randy said Mike is in the zone. Ellen said it felt like Luther Vandross (hey, it kinda did! Good compliment Ellen...) She said it was beautiful. Kara said Mike connected to the song. Simon said he also saw the Luther connection. He called the performance "wet" though - he said it was like he was in a musical. Huh? He then says that "wet" means "girly" - Simon, lay off the drugs, dude. It's not worth it. It will ruin your life.

You know, Shania Twain is still a very attractive woman, even after all these years. Although I was always more fond of Faith Hill...wow, now if they had her on (although I haven't seen her in a while).

Casey James is up, and let me tell you about Casey - I picked him #2 in my pool. With "Jealous Guy" a few weeks back, he reaffirmed my believe in him. And tonight, he takes on "Don't", a song I "don't" know....ha ha ha. I must have not listened to the radio when Shania was popular. Or maybe I just don't recognize this version. It doesn't matter - Casey blows the roof off this sucker. He is EASILY the best performance so far. You can feel the emotion in the guy's voice - maybe him also sitting and just singing with no backup singers, and less smiling, is what helps too. Very well done, Mr. James. Randy said it was one of his best performances ever. Ellen said he sounded great - and wow, she agreed he has the Bob Seger voice! Kara said he didn't hide - he was vulnerable and raw, and she said if he keeps doing that, he'll be at the front of the competition. Simon agrees with Randy - best performance so far (I still think "Jealous Guy" was better, but this was very good...) Simon then proceeds to pimp Casey out by telling him to come down and give "this one" (pointing to Shania) a kiss! Isn't Casey like 20 years younger than Shania? That's like Demi Lovato planting a kiss on me...or Siobhan...or...well, never mind. You get the point. I wonder what Kara thought about Simon pimping out Casey?

You know, Katy Perry is pretty attractive too....she's on a proactiv commercial during the commercial break.

OK, we're back with Crystal Bowersox, and Ryan "I'm a Tool" Seacrest. As another blogger pointed out, why does he have to say something about Shania's teeth? Crystal is singing "No One Needs to Know". ANOTHER song I don't know. What the...? Crystal says the song applies to her because she wants her boyfriend to step up and finally marry her. I think she could have picked a better song, BUT I guess she wanted to make a point to this guy. It's a very understated performance by the front runner. Not bad, but I really don't like the song itself. Maybe the original is better - who knows (well, I'm sure others do). She still has that great voice, but really doesn't use it much during this performance. It's almost like she decided to take a week off. OMG - this dork in the audience has a shirt that says, "Did you know that America prefers Crystal Bowersox for their Idol one BAJILLION times more than other contestants?" What a conceited, arrogant thing to say! Although I do like the sign in the back - obviously someone reading my blog...it says "Siobhan vs Crystal"! I hope that's the finale! Anyway, back to the show. Randy said it was OK, but wasn't his favorite of hers. He did like the country version, though, of a country song. Ellen said she's brilliant, but it wasn't her favorite performance of Crystals. I think Kara has it in for Ellen because she AGAIN says "I have to agree with the GUYS..." Kara - Ellen is a woman. A woman who likes women, but a woman nonetheless. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Kara can be annoying. Anyway, she said it was believable, but not one of her best performances. Crystal says in response, it wasn't as big, but bigger isn't always better. After a second of inappropriate sexual innuendo, Simon says that they don't like Crystal this week, and uses the word "SHOCKER". He called it limp. And compared it to a coffee shop performance. No conviction from her - he said the song itself was forgettable (and apologizes to Shania for saying that...). Wait - the guy with the a**hole shirt on is Bowersox's boyfriend?!?! Wow....dude, get a shirt that is actually clever. And marry that girl already, will ya??!?! Sheesh...

Aaron Kelly should have it easy this week - he's the closest thing to Country that's left in the competition. Aaron could be Shania's son! He sings "You've Got a Way" - isn't that a Billy Joel song? Oh, wait, I think I know this song. I DO know this song! I liked Aaron performance - and like I said, he better have nailed this. Sure he has blah moments, but more often than not, I thought he did a good job. But let me ask you this - when was the last time Aaron sang something upbeat? I honestly can't remember. It's always the ballads with this kid, and I think that kind of makes him one dimensional. But I did like this performance - next to Casey's, I thought it was the strongest of the night. Randy said this was his "wheelhouse" - and did a good job. Ellen can't believe how well he sang it - how he tied into the song. Kara agrees with that guy Ellen - and then has an awkward moment when she says Aaron changed the line "when we make love"...then Aaron says he was singing the song to his Mom. You know, even with changing that one line, that's kinda creepy...but Aaron's a good kid, so I'm sure he didn't mean it in a creepy way...it just came out kinda creepy. Simon said he was like a different artist - he said it felt sincere and believable. I feel bad because I've ripped on the kid in the past few weeks, but he did good tonight. Good job!

Rounding out the night - Siobhan Magnus. She gets the sweet spot - the final slot. Wait, before they come back, we are treated to The Temper Trap singing "Sweet Disposition" in a Diet Coke ad. Did I mention that I love that song....LOOOOOOOVE it.

OK, back to Siobhan - my favorite. You know, I've gotten a LOT of hate from friends and strangers on Siobhan. I have no idea why - maybe because she's different? Whatever - those people can stick it. Siobhan rocks. End of story. OK, had to get that out. So, tonight she sings "Any Man of Mine". Shania encourages Siobhan to get some attitude while singing it. Siobhan gets back to the fun Siobhan - going out in the audience and performing it well. She hits a few bad notes (I know, shocker I'm saying that), but she picks it up at the end...and when I say that, I mean she hits that note and holds it for a long time...this girl has got mad vocal skills. She rocked it out - she looked great too - and I was very impressed. I still think Casey was the best, and Aaron did his thing, but it was easily the most "fun" performance of the evening. I'm sure there we be people who hated it - but they hate just about everything the girl does. She's even now (gasp!) the singer endorsed by "Vote for the Worst"...are you freakin' kidding me? Ugh...well at least they'll give her votes, but damn...c'mon people! Wake up!! It wasn't her best performance (I still think "Superstition" and "Paint It Black" were her best so far, along with the beautiful "Across the Universe"), but I loved seeing this side of her. Heck, I love seeing every side of Siobhan... :^) She still is my favorite and apparently the judges (for this week) agree. Randy went nuts over it, Ellen said "way to pull the Shania Twain into the station" (and way to end the show!), Kara said "Guess who's back!?!?! SIOBHAN!!", and Simon said he really liked that song. He said the screaming may have gone a little bit overboard, and said it sounded like she was giving birth! Oh, Simon... So Siobhan STILL rocks (yes, she's "still the one..." Sorry - had to...).

Who goes this week? Well, normally I'd say Aaron, but it could also be Big Mike, or maybe this is the week we get a shocker like Lee getting the boot. I wouldn't be surprised after tonight.

We'll see tomorrow night. I know I voted for Siobhan many, many times...so hopefully she's still around until next week...maybe we can kick off Ryan this week? That would be nice not to have to listen to his drivel anymore!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Top 7 - Week 6

Well, tonight was not a good night...I'm not talking about Idol, I'm talking about Direct TV and the audio problems I had on Fox this evening (but only apparently during the first 45 minutes of Idol...the last two performances were fine). I watched it over the air, and it was fine, so it was something related to Direct TV. On both of my receivers. Ugh. Oh well - I'll be VERY brief this week, as I really can't comment on most of the performances because I couldn't hear them properly!

Here are my random thoughts (based on what I could hear):

  • Casey James was typical Casey. Didn't feel authentic...smiled too much...good guitar, but I just didn't feel like he connected with the song. Yikes - I'm speaking in "Idol Cliches"....

  • Lee DeWyze sang "The Boxer", but I thought the theme was Inspirational Songs? That's kinda a depressing song...great song, but I wouldn't call it "Inspirational". Anyway, the judges went gaga over it...I thought it was OK, but he's done better. I didn't hear what they heard. Maybe because I think this is the type of song you don't really try to change up too much. And I'm used to Paul Simon's voice, not Lee DeWyze belting it out.

  • Tim Urban was pretty bad tonight...sorry (again) Karen, but his rendition of some Goo Goo Dolls was so pedestrian...no style at all. Boring. But he's got the VFTW crew working for him. The audio during Tim's song is really bad, but I've heard enough to know he SHOULD be going home soon. He just isn't in the same league as the others at this point.

  • Aaron Kelly is quickly choosing the most overplayed, bombastic songs available. I half expected him to sing that horrible Celene Dion song from Titanic. Ugh. So he sings "I Believe I Can Fly", and it does NOTHING for me. Boring...he, along with Tim, should be the next to go. Sorry Aaron - you should be proud of what you've done as a 16 year old, and I think he generally DOES have a decent voice (at times), but he needs more time. We'll see. Just stop picking these cheesy songs!

  • Siobhan Magnus sings "When You Believe" - I actually don't know this song (I know, shocking...), and the audio is out of control on my DVR...grrrrrr...I can't hear it! The audio keeps dropping out, and it's not matching her lips. I can't really describe her outfit, but again, as I always think, she looks amazing/adorable. And she's got great pipes, so I won't write anymore (since everything things I'm biased...um, well, maybe I am a little bit, but I truly believe she's a great singer with a TON of style...). So she's my favorite so far. I know - shocker.

  • Michael Lynche takes on "Hero" by Nickleback. Finally, the audio clears up enough for me to listen. I don't think Michael needs the guitar at all. His voice is really good, and I liked his performance. It was a little different for Mike, but the dude can sing. I hope he continues to go through the competition (although, I'm in a pool where if he went home, it would actually help me...)

  • The front runner, Crystal Bowersox, gets the primo spot at the end, and she really does shine with "People Get Ready"....now THAT is an inspirational song. She does a great job, but I was a little cheesed at her for losing it at the end. I'm sure it was legit, but for some reason, it actually rubbed me the wrong way. Regardless, she deserves her status as front runner, but I'm still voting like crazy for Siobhan. I would LOVE to see a Siobhan vs Crystal finale. I predicted that weeks ago, but this is a popularity contest, and who knows what will happen. They both deserve it. Crystal has been one of my favorites from the beginning, and I hope she keeps singing like she did tonight. Great job!!!
So my prediction? Either Aaron or Tim goes home, and I'm going with Aaron to actually go home. The VFTW votes, along with all the young girls (and Karen) voting for Tim MAY keep him around another week. We shall see...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Top 9 - Week 5

Or, as we should call it, Top 9, Part 2. Because Mike Lynche was spared from going home last week, this week TWO contestants go home. Big night, also, because the contestants are covering the songs of Elvis. Yes, the KING of Rock and Roll. He's got an impressive list of songs, similar to last week's songs from Lennon/McCartney. So this will be tough to pick the songs for the "Idols" this week. What ever happened to 80's week? Or songs from the year you were born?

So on such a big night, who do the producers turn to in order to mentor the top 9? Probably someone who can relate to Elvis Presley, right? Someone who is a giant in the music biz? Someone who has the presence of the King? Um...no. We get Adam Lambert. Let me repeat that. ADAM LAMBERT. The guy who recently was on national television doing, well...you know. And acted like he's been in the business for decades and how dare anyone question the appropriateness - regardless of your sexuality - during an awards ceremony. And while I appreciated some of his performances during his run last season on Idol, I was never crazy about Adam like so many others were. In fact, I'm stunned they chose him for "Elvis Night". The only thing he's got in common with the King is his hair...and well, even that isn't a good match either. Oh, and Elvis used to wear leather pants during one of his phases, and Adam wears them all the time. Sorry - I really need to get on with this, don't I? Whatta ya want from me? :^)

OK, so here we go. TWO people are going home this evening. Big night. And the first person up is one of my favorites (and currently my older daughter's favorite), Crystal Bowersox. She is singing the first song of many this night that I don't know. It's called "Saved" and is very gospel like. It also sounds like something Elvis would have recorded early in his career. She's got backup singers tonight, and it's distracting to me. Nothing new to report here - Crystal is good. But we knew this already. Solid performance, but in some way, I feel like Crystal held back a little. Don't get me wrong - I enjoyed it, but I personally wasn't blown away. Extremely solid and professional, which is what I've come to expect, but I want even more now from her. I want to see blood, sweat and tears up there, and I'm getting something that to me was about 90% there. Listen, when you're this good, I gotta find SOMETHING to complain about, right? OK, well maybe I don't. Anyway, I'm predicting the judges loved it, and I can't blame them. It just didn't make me go as crazy for Crystal as I've done in other weeks. I will say I can totally see her getting in touch with her soulful/gospel side with this, and she should be (to quote Simon from the past) 100% safe. Although at this point, ANYTHING is possible. Who knows, she could be in the bottom 3, but wouldn't deserve to be. Randy, Ellen, Kara, and Simon all loved it. No surprise there. My grade: A (but I want A+ from her!)

We go to a commercial break with the next contestant "fake picking his nose"...well, I HOPE that was him faking it!

Andrew Garcia - who I feel should have gone home last week, and before I hear him sing, should probably go home this week - is going to sing "Hound Dog". Adam encourages him to change it up - because the way he was singing it wasn't cutting it. I agree with the runner up from last year. So what does Andrew do? He changes it by drawing out the song a little, but really bringing NOTHING to the song. He tries to inject some soul into it, but it's boring. I don't really care for it, but I will give him some minor (very) props for taking the risk of changing it up. But it's painfully obvious that Andrew's days are numbered. Randy rips into him - said it wasn't good karaoke. Ellen said she thought he pulled it off. Kara said Andrew didn't own it, and didn't feel the swagger. Simon said it was lazy and unpredictable (that's bad?) and said it was something no one wanted to hear. He AGAIN said that all of Andrew's coolness is being SUCKED out right now. Simon loves to say "SUCK". My grade: D+

Tim Urban is going to sing one of the most sacred songs in the Elvis cannon - "Can't Help Falling In Love". This song is often played at weddings, can be cheesy, and I'm a little nervous to see what Dirk Diggler will do with it. You know who did a cool version of this song? Lick the Tins, on the Some Kind of Wonderful soundtrack. Anyway, I think does a decent version of this. And he wisely avoids the falsetto at the end. Very well done - words I NEVER thought I write with regard to "T-Urban". Randy felt the same way - he was surprised that he liked it! Ellen said she is falling in love with Tim and that it was beautiful. Kara said it was her favorite Tim performance. Simon said he went from zero to hero in two weeks. He liked it. My grade: B+

Lee DeWyze is singing "A Little Less Conversation" and Adam tells him he needs to be more expressive on stage - i.e. smile more, and really perform. Again, good advice. Maybe I was wrong about Adam. Lee gives me what I didn't necessarily get from Crystal tonight. It's just that little bit extra. I like the way he changed this song up and made it his own. I really think Lee will make it (or SHOULD) to the top 4. We shall see. I enjoyed the performance also because it showed off his voice. Well done, Lee. You seem to be getting stronger each week. And no bagpipes this week!!! Randy said Lee is in the zone. He loved it. Ellen said Lee made it current, and his confidence is growing. Kara loved it - said he really went for it. Simon said he nailed the song. My grade: A+

Aaron Kelly is singing "Blue Suede Shoes". Again, Adam points out the best part of the singing from Aaron, and also rightly agrees that Aaron doesn't 100% believe in himself yet. He has to OWN this. The best part is this song is right up Aaron's alley - it works to his country side. The only thing he has to add tonight is the attitude. That may be a problem. I can't really take him seriously when he's warning us to not step on those blue suede shoes! Buy vocally, I think he did a fine job. And it was good to hear him singing something upbeat for a change! Enough with the ballads!! So if I just heard the song, and didn't watch it, I would be impressed. Not mind blowing, but very solid. And he does have a nice tone to his voice. It's just that the visual didn't match the vocal. Randy liked when he went bluesy towards the middle. Didn't like the beginning as much. Ellen said he did a good job. Kara said he was out of his comfort zone and liked it. Said it felt current and young. Simon didn't agree - said it sounded like someone at a high school, singing during a contest. And with the visual of it, I can see where he is coming from. But I thought vocally he was better than Simon is giving him credit for. My grade: B-

Siobhan Magnus - you know, my favorite - is singing "Suspicious Minds", and Adam thinks it's a little too sleepy. She admits he was right. Adam is kickin' butt tonight with the advice! Siobhan also says that she is most often compared to Adam and Adam says, "It's a big compliment!" I think I know what he meant, but it came out wrong. Anyway, Siobhan has the most beautiful voice left in the competition. It starts out pretty good, but nothing really that memorable. Then, halfway through, she changes the song up and decides to put on a show with her vocals. Holy crap - this girl can belt it out! It sounds nothing like Suspicious Minds at that point, but I could care less. Siobhan is quickly becoming my "can do no wrong" contestant. I suspect that there will be those that didn't care for it. But other than her performance of "Through the Fire" a few weeks ago, she hasn't had a really bad performance so far, and, like Crystal, I would be shocked if she goes home. She's just too talented to not make it further in this competition. Randy said he liked it from about the half of the song on to the end. Ellen also liked the second half more than the first half. She agrees with me - what a beautiful voice. Kara said Siobhan has two voices - and claims that the second half is the "screaming" half. Kara, there was no screaming in that performance. Yes, she's done it in the past, but not tonight. She wasn't crazy about it overall, and really doesn't like the two parts being in one song. Simon said it was like she was put in a time machine, and came back 20 years later. Thought the first part was terrible (really??) and didn't think she hit all the notes in the second half. Didn't like the performance. Wow, Siobhan REALLY doesn't like when the judges criticize her. You can see it all over her face. But I think Kara and Simon were way off. Siobhan can't pinpoint who she is at this point as a singer, and she takes PRIDE in that. Take that Kara and Simon!!! You GO SIOBHAN!! I voted like crazy for the woman tonight, and I hope it pays off by keeping her around for another week. We shall see. My grade: A (would have been an A+ if the first half was as powerful as the second).

Ya know, Ryan Seacrest is a jerk. He actually makes a crack about Brian Dunkelman co-hosting next week. Then laughs and says, "No, actually it's Queen Latifah"... Nice. Rip on poor Dunkelman. Coulda been you Seacrest!! He really is cocky these days. Ugh.

OK, next up - Michael Lynche, taking on "In The Ghetto". Siobhan actually recommended it to Michael. And he nails it. Absolutely nails it. Loved his version of this. He really has grown as an artist from when we first saw him, and proves the save last week was well worth it. I loved it! And he gets a standing O from many in the crowd. Randy said it was a little sleepy, but he said vocally it was hot. Ellen is glad they saved him. Kara loved it. And so did Simon - said it was a terrific choice. My grade: A+

Katie Stevens sings a song I've never heard - "Baby, What Do You Want Me To Do?". Adam encourages her to be angry and frustrated. She excels as the side shake of the head. And her vocals this week are pretty darn good. I liked this performance a lot - way better than she's been in the past, and I really liked the sass. Randy said nice vocals and he was entertained. Ellen said it was very horny song - meaning lots of horns in it! Said she really can sing - it was great. Kara said Katie showed the judges - she liked it. Simon didn't care for it. I disagree - I really liked it a lot. My grade: A

Final contestant tonight - Casey James - and he sings old school Elvis. I don't know if I've heard of "Lawdy Ms. Clawdy"...but it SOUNDS like an old school Elvis title. Adam wants Casey to make the song more of his own. I thought he had moments, but overall, it wasn't nearly as soulful as I thought it could have been. Good, but not great. Randy said it was solid -nothing different, though. Ellen said his voice sounded great, but it wasn't as exciting as she would have liked. Kara said it fell short. Simon said it was a wasted opportunity, but his vocal was good. I'll agree with that. My grade: B

So who will go home? Well, I think Andrew is a given. And because this is a popularity contest, I could see Big Mike going, but I don't think that will happen. I can see a shocker like Casey being booted. I actually have NO idea who else besides Andrew, but please don't let it be Siobhan or Crystal or Lee...and Big Mike and Katie earned another week.

We shall see...but it's late, and I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. Until next week...have a good one!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Top 9 - Week 4

Hey everyone...busy day today...had the Ravens Nest meeting this evening, then I had to drive my sitter (i.e. Mom) home. Then I had to watch Lost. And now it's 12:15 am. But I did have time to vote for Siobhan - before all of you accuse me of not even listening to her performance, I did check it out and then voted early and often. Well, not early, because it's 12:15. Anyway, onto this week's show.

It seems to be inevitable that AI does a "Beatles" week - I mean, Lennon and McCartney had so many great songs, it's actually a pretty good choice. However, in the past, the contestants have the unfortunate habit of murdering these songs. Maybe it's because the songs are so ingrained in our minds that any other version seems - well, laughable. However, I'm confident that at least a few performances will be spot on tonight. I just have a feeling...we'll see.

First up is 16 year old Aaron Kelly - he sings "The Long and Winding Road", which was one of the last Beatles songs to chart if recall correctly (well, I wasn't even 1 year old when this song came out, I believe...but you know what I mean.) I like the original, but prefer "Across the Universe" from the same time period. Hmmmmm....wonder who will sing that later? Anyway, onto "Yoda" aka Aaron. Before Aaron sings, we hear him utter the words, "At the end of the day..." That's one strike against you Aaron! I hate that phrase! So he performs the song. The verdict? He put a country twang to the song, which I'm not sure suits it. I want to like this performance, but I generally don't think it was that good. He has some good moments, but also some pitchy moments and I wonder if he really is a strong enough performer for this show. I like Aaron, but he isn't one of the best singers on the show. Randy didn't like the arrangement - thought Aaron could change it up more. Ellen said it was too big for him, and it felt like a "long and winding song..." Ouch. Kara said it was good, but not great. It's all starting to sound the same. She's totally right! Great comment, Kara. Simon calls Aaron sweetie - and asks him why he chose that song. Aaron said (shocking) that it HAS been a long and winding road, to which Simon rolls his eyes. Some dude in the audience RIPS Simon - it's actually funny seeing Simon's reaction. He didn't care for it much - bottom line.

Katie Stevens announces that she'll go to prom with whoever calls the most for her. Um....ok, please don't wh*re yourself out there Katie for votes. Not good form. Katie is cute as a button, but can she sing? Well, yeah, but she's not as strong as the other two remaining women. She's going to sing "Let It Be" - what's up with the slow songs tonight? I want someone to sing Revolution or Back in the USSR or Helter Skelter!! So Katie sings "Let It Be", which is a song I like, but I'm worried she's going to oversappify the song. There is something about her voice which I don't find appealing. I can't quite place my finger on it - something is off with the pitch. This could be a case where if i was there live, it may sound different and therefore better. I didn't HATE the performance, but it wasn't something I was blown away by. And when you have the other two women - Siobhan and Crystal - who I know are going to blow the lid off the sucka, you gotta bring it. Randy went nuts over it - LOVED it. Ellen said it was amazing, and predicts she won't be in the bottom 3. Kara said it was a great vocal, with Katie's confidence showing. She's proud of her. Simon says the word "COMPETITION". He said she got it right tonight - and the reason was that Katie was leaning Country. The other judges say he's insane - it was more R&B. Either way, maybe I was wrong - maybe it was better than I first heard it. I don't know. Like I said, I didn't dislike it, I just wasn't crazy over it like they were. I do agree with Kara - Katie looks great this week. :^)

Andrew Garcia sings "Can't Buy Me Love". He changes up the arrangement up - I can't tell you what it sounds like, other than it sounds like it should be in a Vegas show, complete with horns. Ugh. He's singing behind the judges as well, just like someone else did last week...not a big fan of this performance. I think Andrew's days are numbered on the show. He may be the first guy to go. Randy said it was OK, but a little corny. Ellen loved it. Kara wanted to love it, but she didn't see anything new from Andrew. Will she mention "Straight Up"?? Nope...but I was waiting for it. Simon brings out the Wedding analogy - he didn't like it. Man, Andrew really looks likes he wants to kill Simon...again. Andrew seems like a nice guy, and I feel bad for him. But as of right now, I'm picking him to leave. We'll see what happens with the rest.

Big Michael Lynche is up next - he takes on "Eleanor Rigby". And I love this performance. The reason? He changes the song up, AND he sounds a lot different than what he has up to this point, AND he sounds really really good. Definitely a fan of "Big Mike"! Randy said the parts that worked were great - he said it could be a "joint" on the radio. Ellen said Big Mike can do anything. Said it was a huge risk but she thought it was incredible. Kara said that was FIRE - she liked the way he changed it up and created drama. Kara really is gushing over him, and I can't say I blame her. Simon didn't love it as much as the others - said it was too much like something you'd hear in a musical. He disagreed with Kara - he said it took Mike backwards. I disagree, Simon.

I see a commercial for Glee, and I'm practically giddy with excitement. The kind of feeling I get when I know Siobhan is up next. Then I see a First Mariner commercial (local bank) with Joe Flacco, and have to laugh every time he says "PITTSBURGH!!!???!?!!?" Classic.

One of my favorites is up next - Crystal Bowersox. I still am picking Crystal as the favorite to win it all. OMG - Aaron says "At the end of the day..." during the package about Crystal. Aaron, I know you're only 16, but please stop with the cliches. So Crystal is going to sing "Come Together", and predict it will be great. While I really enjoyed it, I think I had unrealistic expectations for this song. Don't get me wrong - she's got such a professional sounding voice, and she WILL have a record contract. This is a no brainer. But I've heard her do better performances. Randy agrees with me - it wasn't her best, but she's still a star. Ellen said she can't keep coming up with ways to describe how great Crystal is. Said she was amazing and that she loved it. Kara said it was one of her favorite performances - she liked what Crystal did with the song. Simon said he could hear her version on the radio - and he liked the didgeridoo. I felt like I was watching an Outback Steakhouse commercial!

Vote for the Worst's favorite song, Tim Urban, is up next. He sings "All My Loving" while playing the electric guitar. Tim has that Justin Bieber hair goin' on big time this evening. I still have no idea why the judges picked this kid to come back, but you gotta admire Tim's attitude. He's not horrible this week, but to me, it's very "Karaoke" like. Sorry - I had to use that cliche. It really doesn't go anyway - I've heard him much worse, but the thing about Tim is that he sounds so similar week after week. But based on all of his performances this season, it really wasn't that bad. Randy said it was better than past performances - and he digs the hair. It was a good "Tim" performance - meaning, it wasn't really good, but for Tim, it was. Ellen liked it - said it was his second best performance (next to his version of Hallelujah). Kara said she admires him for standing up there and taking their criticism. Simon said he thought Tim did really well tonight. No gimmicks - just sang the song naturally.

Casey James, aka "Goldilocks", takes on John Lennon's "Jealous Guy", going outside of the Beatles catalog. Casey sounds very Bob Segar-like tonight (thanks Marc!). I will probably get slammed for this, but I loved this performance. Was it perfect vocally? No. Was it his best performance? Well, maybe...but when you compare it to "The Power of Love", there is nowhere to go but up! I think I love the original so much that it affected my judgement ever so slightly. I don't know why - I just really liked the vibe in this song. Way better than I thought it was going to be. Good job, Goldilocks. The judges verdict? Well, Randy loved the sensitive side of Casey. He LOVED it. Couple of pitch problems, but it worked. Ellen said it was his best performance to date. Kara said he showed vulnerability, and it was very tasteful. He showed depth and range. So she liked it. Simon said it was the best performance of the night so far. He said the difference week to week was "ginormous". Yes, he said "ginormous".

Siobhan Magnus is up next - wow. She's so freakin' awesome. You all know that I feel that way. Tonight she's singing one of my favorite Beatles' songs - "Across the Universe". Besides the fact that she looks amazing tonight, her vocal is stunning in the fact that it's incredibly reserved. When I first heard it, my thought was most of it was a little too sleepy for me. It's an incredibly soft, quiet arrangement. But when I heard it the second time, I just sat back and listened to the quality in her voice. She really has quite a beautiful voice, and proved tonight that she's not just about "screaming" those crazy, incredible notes. I thought it was wonderful, and she did nothing tonight to change my mind on my opinion on her. Stellar stuff from my favorite Idol contestant this season. She's got her own unique style, but at the root of it all is a gorgeous voice that I could easily envision on a record. She, like Crystal, is destined for a record contract. Oh, and I voted for her quite a few times. Sure, she could probably sing the phone book and I'd rave on and on about it, but you know what? It's my blog, and I can write what I want! So back off, all you Siobhan haters!! She is here to stay. Randy said he looks forward to seeing what she's going to come up with - it was a little too sleepy for him, but he definitely appreciates her as an artist. Ellen loves the fact that Siobhan marches to her own drum, and she's special. Said she did a beautiful job. Kara said she hit the notes - but it was too restrained for Siobhan. Kara - honey - she is showing a different side. You don't have to do the same thing EVERY week. Simon asks Siobhan why she chose that song, and Siobhan said it comes down to the lyric "Nothing's gonna change my world", and refers to her two younger sisters. No matter what happens, she's there for her baby sisters who are her whole world. She gets choked up - and says she's not going to change as a person. Wow, how can you not love this girl. :^) Simon said what is great about her is that she's so unpredictable. Said she was much better last week (I think he meant to say she was much better than last week, not much better last week...whew...).

Lee Dewyze has a confidence problem. We learn this in the package. We also learn that Lee and Andrew are best buddies. Lee is singing "Hey Jude". I honestly don't know if I liked this or not. Midway through the song, a guy playing the bagpipe comes down from the top of the steps. A bagpipe!?!?! It was good, but not great. In my opinion. Randy thought it was great. Ellen loved it. Kara said it was uneven, but she can hear him on the radio. Simon said it was great until the bagpipe to showed up. It was like he (the bagpipe guy) was on the wrong show! When asked why he chose to use a bagpipe in the song, Lee responds, "Why not!!?!?" Gotta love it. I respectfully change my mind -I did like the song. Especially the bagpipe. Hilarious.

So I think Andrew is the first male to go home this week - it wasn't a horrible performance, but I felt it was the second weakest of the night (I thought Aaron was worse, but he's got such a fan base he's safe as kittens...). We'll see if I'm right tomorrow night. If I am right tomorrow, what will Lee do? Of course, Tim Urban will probably in the bottom three, and COULD go home, but he's got the support of Vote for the Worst, so I'm guessing he stays.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Top 10 - Week 3

Tonight on Idol - R&B/Soul music...starring Usher. Usher tells us he's going to be brutally honest, but somehow, I don't believe him. If we were brutally honest, some of these singers shouldn't even be here!

So first up is my favorite - Siobhan Magnus. She's got a crazy outfit on, but as usual, I love it. I'm giddy with excitement. Usher tells her to maybe consider toning her look down a little - she says "Thanks, but no thanks..." She comes out with "Missy Elliot" boots, singing "Through The Fire" by Chaka Khan. I'm about to pull a Randy, but Siobhan, you know I love ya, right? You know you're my dog, right?? Well, she's off tonight. This isn't a good song choice (I think), and she struggles during parts of the song. She's very nasal throughout. It's not a total disaster, like, oh, I don't know, Lacey was in previous weeks. Or Paige last week. But it's not very good. And I'm willing to give her a pass. The judges are pretty vicious with her - more so than they normally are, and you can see on face that she's torn up about it. Randy said it wasn't her best performance. Ellen said Siobhan went off a bit, and never really recovered. Kara said her lower register wasn't there, but did say she's allowed one off night. Simon was just a jerk. I mean, OK, we know you didn't like it. But he went over the line. Give the girl a break - she's been consistent this season, and when he says, "If this was the first time we saw you..." It's not Mr. Cowell. And learn to pronounce her name...it's "Sha-VON", not "SIOB-HAN". Simon said she committed manslaughter to the song. Really? Look, I didn't like it, but she needs to keep her chin up. I voted about 100 times for ya Siobhan, and I don't think you're going home this week. And now I have spent more time on Siobhan this one week than I have on several other contestants this entire season. Whew...anyway, hang in there kiddo...I think the judges would save you if you were in danger, but just don't see that happening. And if you do go home, I'm done writing this blog! So there...

ANYWAY, up next - Casey James. But before we see Casey meet Usher, we see Siobhan walking dejectedly backstage, with the other singers. She's really upset about this. Big Mike comforts her. And then we go to Casey meeting Usher. Usher says the choice of the Sam and Dave song "Hold On (I'm Coming)" is perfect. Even though Casey forgets the words during rehearsal, he's confident that he can do this right tonight. Usher says to keep your eye on Casey, and I'm sure Kara is taking that advice to heart. Casey sounds good, but there is something awkward about his performance. It's good, but I feel like he doesn't totally let go. And he's smiling during the song, and it just strikes me as odd. He even steps away towards the end to rip off some work on the guitar, but even that isn't as good as I think it's going to be. Not a bad performance at all, but like a lot of Casey's performances, it didn't blow me away. He's definitely got a good voice, and I think with his looks, he won't have any problem staying around for several more weeks. Good - not Great - job tonight Casey. Randy LOVED it. Said it was HOT, dawg. Ellen sort of agrees with me - she said something was missing (i.e. a little generic). Kara things he's limiting himself - she wants more. Simon said it was the best he's ever heard Casey.

Mike Lynche is singing "Ready for Love" by India.Arie. Usher tells him to project more, and hit everyone in the room (even those in the back). Mike says that's a big part of his game, and is looking forward to playing the guitar tonight. The bizarre thing is Big Mike is sitting BEHIND the judges. Strange...they're not even looking at him! For most of this song, I'm bored by his performance. He's got a good voice, but maybe I'm just not that big of a fan of the song itself. He has some good moments, but it's nothing really that memorable. And that horrible habit of the audience waving their hands in unison has to go. When the song was over, I'm like, "Eh..." I could take or leave that. I just think it was very strange for him not to face the judges. Randy said Mike's in the zone, but it wasn't very exciting. Ellen said she didn't like the fact that he was behind her back, but she said it was beautiful. Kara said he did an incredible job, and that he got to the true emotion of the song. Simon said he can finally take him seriously as an artist. Said he did a terrific job. Usher loved it too.

Didi Benami sings "What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted" - she cries during her performance with Usher. Maybe she's psychic and anticipating what the judges will say? I kid, I kid...I really want to like Didi more, but the affectation in her voice is starting to grate. She's very pitchy at times. And it's very boring...worse than Big Mike's performance prior to this. She really doesn't have much emotion in this - at least, it doesn't come through to my ears. She has that pained look on her face for much of the song. I wasn't wild about it, and I'm predicting the judges agree with me. Randy said the song "flatlined" and it wasn't great. Ellen tries to say some nice things, but said it was "way dramatic" and wasn't her best performance. Kara said it was overdone, and that Didi has changed, and not for the better. Simon compared it to "swimming in jelly"...huh? He called it old fashioned. So far, she's my pick to go home. But then again, the show's not over yet. No matter what happens, Didi, you are going on tour. And that's sayin' something.

Tim "Shaggy Hair" Urban is up next - this is the guy that the judges hand picked to come back when one of the contestants was kicked out due to a contract dispute. Keep that in mind later on during the judges comments. Tim sings "Sweet Love" by Anita Baker. Usher asks Tim to sing the song to HIM. Um...a little awkward. He wants Tim to express himself more. Tim is his usual self - he's consistent, but that's not a compliment. He sounds, to me, the same every week, no matter what he's singing. I'm not a big fan of Tim, but I feel kinda bad because he takes SO much abuse. It's WAY too big of a song for him, but it's also clear he's not an R&B singer. Or much of a singer in general. I always get the impression of him singing in a school play - that's his comfort zone. He's not really a star, and while a certain friend of mine has a crush on the guy, that's exactly why he'll stay this week. The girls love this guy. He's not going anywhere just yet. Randy said when it started out, it was too pedestrian. But on a positive, it was in tune. Wow, that's all ya got, Randy? He said he got NOTHING out of it tonight. Ellen makes fun of the fact that she's constantly calling him adorable. She said it wasn't good, though. Tough song to sing. She said he was walking like he was sneaking into a bedroom. Hilarious! Kara complains it's soul-less, noncommercial and not current. She complains that he's laughing. Simon said Tim's laughing because it doesn't make a difference what they say. But here's the thing Simon - YOU PICKED HIM TO COME BACK WHEN HE WAS ALREADY BOOTED!! How can you really even criticize him? They picked him over some of the other male singers who should have been there instead. The judges really need to look in the mirror.

Next up - Andrew Garcia, singing "Straight Up" by Paula Abdul. Oh wait, that was weeks...no, MONTHS ago... Tonight he's singing "Forever" by Chris Brown, who when he's not abusing his girlfriend, is apparently on EVERY single produced everywhere. Although I've never heard this song. So I have no idea if Andrew does it justice or not. Andrew is up there with just his guitar - it's a low key performance. Per Andrew's standards, it's pretty good. But I still don't know if I'm wild about it - maybe it's just the song. He finished the song strongly, and overall I liked it. Didn't LOVE it, but it was much better than what's he done so far this season. I'm still dying to know what that tat is on AG's neck.... Randy thought Andrew's performance was "dope", and was his best in a LONG time. Ellen almost mentioned the "other song"....she said he was great, and enjoyed it. Kara said it was one GIANT leap in the right direction. Simon agreed - miles better than he's been. Simon did say he comes across boring as a person. He wants more personality. Andrew's mom disagrees, and tells Simon he's wrong.

Usher meets with Katie Stevens next. Katie recalls a story when she was at Epcot, and they met (well, she recognized him and said, "You're Usher, right?") Great story Katie. She's taking on "Chain of Fools" by the one and only Aretha Franklin. This song is required to be sung every season on Idol. Will Katie do well? Well, first of all, I like the look. She also got some sass when singing. She's got the shaking the head move down cold - but more importantly, she SOUNDS really good tonight. MUCH better than she's been in past weeks. I liked this performance a lot. Was it the best version I've ever heard? No, but for Katie, it was really good, and I think she did a good job. Randy actually compare her to Christina Aguilara - really? Um, no, but thanks for playing Randy. He said she was somewhat disconnected, though. Ellen said she sang it well, but it was a little too "old". Kara said it was one of her best performances, but she does want her younger. Simon takes Randy to task for even putting Katie and Xtina in the same sentence! He said the performance was quite cold and robotic. He didn't think it was a great song choice. He still wants her to be a country singer, apparently, even on R&B night. Whatever Simon....

Lee Dewyze isn't feeling well, but the show much go on. He is singing "Treat Her Like A Lady" by The Cornelius Brothers. Usher says Lee has an amazing voice and that he just has to have more confidence in himself (hmmmm....sound familiar??) What Lee does that Casey doesn't do is sing with genuine emotion. I think Lee is so far the best of the night. His voice is awesome during this song - he shows why many consider him to be one of the top picks to win it all. I can hear that voice on the radio. He's kinda like "Daughtry-light", but I don't mean that as an insult to Lee. I think he was terrific tonight, and easily deserves to stay around another week! Randy said it was unbelievable - best he's heard in weeks. Ellen said it was unbelievable. Kara said it was amazing. Simon said Lee had a "moment" - one that will change Lee's life forever going forward. Lee then proceeds to eat the guitar pick. What was that all about? Don't worry - he spit it out...

Crystal Bowersox is up next, performing "Midnight Train To Georgia" by Gladys Knight and the Pips. Crystal's secret is playing the piano this week - and Usher figures that out. He said the song fits Crystal perfectly. He said she has a "real shot, kid..." When the song starts, I'm not sure about the decision to play the piano. She's got cheesy backup singers right near the piano, and it's a bit much. But I'm a fool to even question Crystal - she AGAIN slays it. She eventually gets up from the piano, and that's when the song really picks up. She still looks a little uncomfortable without her guitar, but her vocals are spot on. She is clearly the front runner in my mind (hey, I still love ya Siobhan, but I gotta give Crystal her props). Great, great job tonight! She never disappoints. Even Sue Sylvester loves it. Randy, Ellen, Kara and Simon all gush - although Simon did have a problem with the backing vocals, and that she didn't look comfortable on the piano. He said that she shouldn't let the process change her - what are you talking about Simon? It's R&B night!! She is not an R&B singer, and I think she did an amazing job. Simon sometimes sounds like he's on crack with these types of comments.

Aaron Kelly is the last performer tonight and he sings "Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers (I think it's Bill Withers...right?) The thing I hate about this song is the sheer number of times he says "I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know..." WE KNOW YOU KNOW!! I really don't care for this song. Aaron's performance is pitchy and doesn't really have a solid quality to it. He sounds unsure of himself often throughout the song. His voice just isn't smooth enough to carry the song. Randy said it was just "alright" with him. Ellen said it was a good job. Kara liked it - didn't love it. Simon said it wasn't as good as last week, but he says for a second time in so many weeks that there is no chance Aaron is going home. Does Simon know something we don't? Is he cookin' the books for Aaron?

So to sum up: Siobhan is still my girl, Lee and Crystal were clearly the best tonight in my opinion, and I think Didi is going home. It wouldn't shock me to see Siobhan in the bottom 3, but I'm confident she's staying. She BETTER be staying....

Good night for now - that was one of my longer posts, eh? :^)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Top 11 - Week 2

It seems like AGES since I've written my last post, but maybe that's because I was "short" last week. Which means I didn't write "War and Peace"; instead, I wrote something more akin to one of the "Mr. Men" books. That is - very brief, but to the point.

As I'm writing this, I'm listening to Gerard Butler singing the Doors on The Tonight Show - you know, his version of "LA Woman" was better than some of the performances tonight. And that's just sad.

Tonight's theme is "Billboard #1's" - there was a rumor it was going to be "Teen Week" (whatever THAT means), and the fact that Miley Cyrus is the guest mentor may lend some credence to that rumor. There are two types of mentors for our Idols (wow, that sounds pathetic). One is the type who gushes about all the contestants and says how wonderful they are. The other is the type who offers criticisms when noted, and tells it like it is. But let's face it - unless they find Simon's twin, they normally won't have the latter type of mentor. So Miley smiles, offers her advice, and tells everyone that she believes in them. That's cool - I mean, some of these "Idols" need all the help they can get. Even if it's just pumpin' sunshine where the sun don't shine.

The first thing I notice when the "Idols" come out (OK, I'll stop saying that...) is that Siobhan's hair is wild. She looks like she's got a Mohawk in the beginning. Then when I see her again, she looks like she could be subbing for Sheena Easton in the "Strut" video circa 1984. Which is about 6 years BEFORE she was born.

Oh yeah...there are other contestants too.

Anyway, let's get right into it, shall we? After all, I have to wrap this up so I can vote soon. And the next episode is just around the corner!

First up - Lee DeWyze, singing "The Letter" by The Box Tops. This is poignant because the singer of the Box Tops, Alex Chilton, passed away last week. He was the subject of the Replacements BRILLIANT song "Alex Chilton" from their awesome album "Pleased to Meet Me", which came out in 1987, which was 3 years before Siobhan was born. And Katie. And Aaron. And all the other idol "youngin's...." Anyway, Lee changes the arrangement to make this great song sound like a lounge song. He's got backup singers, horns, etc. While I didn't hate it because I like the original so much...no, you know what, I DO hate this version! There really isn't anything that is "Lee" about this performance. He's trying to be something he's not, and while I appreciate anyone who mixes it up, let's be careful Lee. Remember Todrick? He mixed it up every week, and was quickly dismissed. Ugh. Didn't like it. The judges (sans Simon) seemed to love it. Simon was right - not a good performance. Thumbs down.

Paige Miles is up next - she sings "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins. This isn't an easy song to sing, and her version is just flat out horrible. Listen, I'm sure Paige is nice, and her family and friends love her. But c'mon dawg...just AWFUL. Makes Lee's performance sound brilliant. She must go this week - I just haven't seen enough from her to warrant keeping her in the competition. I literally had to fast forward, because I just couldn't stand listening to it. Miley actually sabotages her by telling her to sing quietly and super soft. Maybe she told her that because she didn't want to hear her. She also tells Paige to watch the pitch, something Paige doesn't do. Good lord. That was brutal. The judges unanimously agree - THUMBS (and entire hand) way way way down!! Sorry Paige...you're going home this week. Book it.

My friend Karen loves Tim Urban, but even she admits he really can't sing. My favorite Dirk Diggler impressionist takes on Queen's "Crazy Little Thing Called Love". I have to agree with the judges - it's SUPER cheesy. Especially the slide. He didn't really just do that, did he? Somewhere, John Peter Lewis wants his performance back. Again, Tim seems like a nice kid. But it wasn't very good. No power at all in his vocals. And whenever Randy says, "We're trying to find the best singer...", that's bad news. The judges didn't like it. Although I do want to call Kara out on something - Kara, you yelled at Tim for engaging with the audience. "You're not at that place yet"...So because he hasn't sold millions of records, he can't have fun out there? Stupid comment. Thumbs down (is anyone going to show up tonight? Will this go down as Idol's worst season??)

Aaron Kelly comes out and announces he has a crush on Miley. Yeah, Aaron - ask her out! Get as many hugs as you possibly can. And try to get a number. Just sayin'...oh, wait, she's not single. Well, a brother can try, right? Anyway, he sings "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" by Aaronsmith. Sorry, Aerosmith. While this song isn't as annoying and grating as "My Heart Will Go On", it's still the same bombast - I got sick of hearing it every 5 minutes in 1996, and I am not a big fan of it. That said, Aaron is clearly the best tonight so far (that's not saying much). Like Paige last week, somehow he belts it out while he has laryngitis. He's not bad - not great, mind you, but I think it's a solid performance (although "Angie" last week was better, but that's also a better song...) The judges liked him, and I agree - I give him Thumbs Up (just not as enthusiastic as I think others will get from me tonight...) Ellen's comment: "What, you're in third grade?" That was funny.

Crystal Bowersox succumbs to all the people who say she is ripping off Janis Joplin - I don't think she's ripping her off, but that IS the type of singer I can see her (and that's not bad company to be in!). She sings "Me and Bobby Magee" (did I spell that right? I'm not googling to check it...) She starts out reserved, but the song slowly builds and gets better and more lively as it goes. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Crystal is a natural, and she certainly well-deserving of the "front runner" status she's been bestowed with. She is in the upper echelon of singers (this season and all time on Idol), and it's another smooth week for her. The judges gush over her (why not?), and I agree - TWO THUMBS UP! GOOOOOO CRYSTAL!! Huge fan here...HUGE.

Michael Lynche chooses NOT to sing "Party in the USA" (or any other Miley song...), and instead sings the absolute classic "When A Man Loves A Woman" by Percy Sledge. I love this song, and I think Mike does a solid job. It is kinda boring, but compared to those first 3 performances, Mike is nearly brilliant! He's got a nice voice, and seems like a very likable guy. I'll give him a Thumb and a half up. The judges reviews were mixed, but they all seem to still like Big Mike.

Andrew Garcia seems like he's in a good mood tonight - Miley tells him to put the guitar down, because she thinks he's hiding back there. He also forgets the words during the Miley session. Uh oh - that's not good. Speaking of not good, his version of the immortal Marvin Gaye's "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" was pretty bad in my opinion. I think the California Raisins did a better job in the 80's. And like the judges, I'm getting tired of Andrew. He may actually go this week instead of Paige (although I'd still put money on Paige). Kara and Simon mention "Straight Up" during their critique. Wait, didn't "Straight Up" go to number 1? If so, she should have sang that! I mean, sing it every week! Just adapt it to the week's theme. A country version of "Straight Up". A Hip Hop version. A Rolling Stones version. I just wish Kara would stop bringing it up. Anyway, big Thumbs Down for Andrew this week. Ugh. By the way, Andrew's good mood is quickly dissipated when Simon gives him his thoughts. Andrew looks like he's going to kill the poor, overpaid Brit!

Katie Stevens takes on Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry" - when she first said she was going to do this, I thought it was Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons! Anyway, I know this song, but Katie's version is not good. I though her tone and pitch were all over the place. Sounds like she's singing through her nose. While Katie has the look (and face it, she's cute), this IS a singing competition, and I didn't care for it very much. But she's far from the worst, an I think she stays around another week. I could see Katie on a soap opera. She's got that kinda look! If singing doesn't work out, there is always Days of Our Lives. By the way, Randy said he likes the fact that she's listening. Huh? That's the best comment? They all seemed to love it - I clearly didn't hear the same in that performance. Thumbs down from Mort.

Casey James singing Huey Lewis' "Power of Love"?? Really? I like that song (Sorry Karen!). I also like Casey - he's one of my favorite male performers on the show. But for some reason it doesn't quite work. First of all Casey said he's going to get into it, i.e. moving around. Instead, the only moving he does is move from one part of the stage at the beginning to the other. That's about it. Again, really like his voice, but the performance was flat. Thumb in the middle - not up or down. Indifferent. Shoulda really made it a bluesy song, and lost those horns. I'm still a big fan, though. Just not as much tonight. Oh, and Kara is practically undressed him with her eyes - she's going NUTS watching him tonight! At one point, she tilts her head and just smiles wide eyed at Casey.

Didi Benami - or, Didi Binimi as Ryan said, takes on "You're No Good" by Linda Ronstadt. It was also done by Van Halen in 1979 on VH II. That's for you, Eludius. Anyway, there is something kinda cool about Didi's voice, but some people will hate it. I do agree with Kara that she (Binimi) took on a persona while singing. Like she was trying out for a Broadway show. And what's with the mean faces? While overall I didn't care for the song, I didn't think it was a bad as the judges thought. And the fact that Simon compares her to Lacey Brown...well, that's just an insult to Didi! I'll give it another thumbs in the middle - not horrible, but not great either.

My favorite goes last tonight - my girl Siobhan Magnus. I love those glasses. And that smile. And that voice. And the fact that she's so different. I honestly watch Idol primarily to see what she'll come up with every week. It's funny - she sings "Superstitious" by Stevie Wonder, but as I said, she looks like Sheena Easton! She does well singing Stevie, because she also sang "Livin' For the City" during Hollywood and blew the roof off. Of course, I'm biased, and you all probably think I can't write anything bad about Siobhan. Well, I will say my favorite performance this year by her was "Think" by Aretha Franklin, but this was close. She rocks it out, and while she does the scream at the end AGAIN, I love it. For me, it's still a toss up between Crystal and Siobhan, but since I'm smitten with Siobhan, I'll say that she's still the top in my book by a slight margin. Just don't get your septum pierced...please?

I would love to see Crystal vs Siobhan - see one of my earlier posts - in the final. Sure, I put Casey up there in the pool I'm in, but I don't care. Siobhan rocks...and she didn't do anything this week to cause me to think otherwise.

My prediction on who goes this week? Paige or Andrew. I'm picking Paige. Although I also think Didi is in the bottom 3, and she could be gone instead. But clearly Paige deserves to go home.

Until next week...have a good one! Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars! :^) Oh, and Demi Lovato is supposed to be performing live tomorrow. So make sure you tune in...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Top 12 - Week 1

Well, here we are. The top 12. And it just so happens I'm under the weather. Caught a stomach bug and today was HORRIBLE. I'm really hoping the worst of it is behind me, but I still don't feel 100%. So with that, I'm really going to keep this short and sweet. Here we go.

Michael Lynche - Big Mike sings "Miss You". I liked it - I can see him going far in the competition. I was wondering how he was going to pull this off, but he did well. Wasn't blown away by it, but very solid performance from an artist who is becoming very consistent.

Didi Benami -Didi sings "Play With Fire", which is one of my favorite Stones songs. Reminds me of Freshman Year when I got into "Hot Rocks" (aka Stone's Greatest Hits collection). I was very impressed with Didi - much stronger than her previous performances. Her voice, at times, is awesome. Don't know if I was wild about the crazy faces she was making (as in, look, I'm angry here...) But nice performance overall, and I'm starting to think the top 12 is going to make people notice that they actually DO have some good singers on here.

Casey James - I am picking this guy to go very far in the competition, and his performance of the Stones's "It's All All Over Now". This is a great, bluesy performance. Someone I work with said Casey sounds like Bob Seger, and I can see that (although not so much tonight). His overall performance is so far my favorite of the evening. He's got the look, the voice and can play guitar. What is there not to like? And Kara loves him. :^)

Lacey Brown - Look, I'm sure Lacey is a nice person, and her family loves her. But I cringe when I hear her sing. She attempts "Ruby Tuesday" and it's all over the place. I just don't get her, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's the first to go. I would have rather had Lilly Scott as the "unique" singer than Lacey.

Andrew Garcia - Andrew has been dogged in past weeks because he never has been able to match the peak of his version of "Straight Up". Tonight he takes on "Gimme Shelter", which I'm not sure is the best song for him. It definitely gets better as it goes along, and he finishes strong. I still think he's got a nice quality to his voice, but like so many people, it's song choice that makes a huge difference. I hope he sticks around - I think once he gets that perfect song, it's going to be awesome.

Katie Stevens - I'm somewhat indifferent regarding Katie. On one hand, she does have a good voice. On the other, I never get the impression that she's going to be a star. She takes on "Wild Horses", a song that I thought my girl Siobhan would be natural at taking on. She does better than I thought - especially after the beginning of the song. Not bad, but it's not something in particular that's especially memorable. And with that song, you have an opportunity to make your moment, and I don't know if she did.

Tim Urban - Tim sings "Under My Thumb", which I like as an original Stones song. I don't like it as a Reggae/Lounge song, which Tim turns it into. Horrible arrangement, and does nothing to showcase his voice. Blah. Not a fan, and he would be in my bottom 2 so far (along with Lacey). Sorry Dirk.

Siobhan Magnus - You all know how I feel about Siobhan. Along with Crystal, she's my personal favorite on this show. She sings "Paint It Black" (one of my favorite Stones songs...of course), and it starts out SLLLLLOOOOOWWW. Almost like a completely different song. I'm waiting for the drums to kick in, but they never really do. She does pick up the song, though, and it ends up being really good. I've heard better performances from her, but really, I'm nitpicking here. And the signature super high note/scream at the end....love it! Did I mention she looks AWESOME tonight? I'm so glad she's on this show. I really can't say how much I like...no, LOVE Siobhan!! She rocks...totally. Oh, and I love those glasses, too. :^)

Lee Dewyze - Singing "Beast of Burden", Lee cements his status as a major contender. I would not be surprised if he goes on to win the whole thing. He's got that Daughtry type of star voice. You just know he's going to be successful, and I think the experience he gets through this competition will only make him stronger. Definitely a fan of Lee.

Paige Miles - She sings "Honkey Tonk Woman", and generally does a good job. In fact, there are moments which are quite stunning. We learn afterwards she has laryngitis! What?!!? I have been down on Paige in the past, but I enjoyed this performance.

Aaron Kelly - Aaron takes on "Angie", and like the judges said, it's the perfect song choice for him. He brings a slight country edge to the song. And while his hair can be a little distracting (yes, very "Ellen" like...), I thought he did a good job. I'm still amazed that this kid is 16 - he has his highs and lows, and I thought this week was definitely a high. Good job Aaron.

Crystal Bowersox - Along with Siobhan, Crystal is my favorite almost from day 1. She sings "You Can't Always Get What You Want", and again, it just appears effortless. I think she's been better in past weeks, but when you're this good, it really doesn't matter. She is clearly in the top half of the singers and is my pick to win the whole thing. I still like Siobhan a little better, but only because I'm always wondering what she's going to do each week. I almost expect Crystal to pull of a professional performance each week. I'm never disappointed. Great job Crystal!

So for me, the winners of the night are Siobhan and Crystal. Casey, Lee, Didi, Big Mike, and Aaron were not far behind. Andrew, Paige and Katie are probably somewhere in the middle. As for the bottom, it's got to be Lacey and Tim. One of them should go home this week.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Week 3 (The Guys)

Well, today was an eventful day...we got new siding and shutters put on the house, and I'm very excited about it. They woke us up pretty early, plus I went to bed late last night gushing over Siobhan and Crystal, so I'm TIRED this evening. But I must soldier on, because my public demands it! I must update this blog!

Someone told me today that I should write about something OTHER than AI. Well, technically, I just did! But seriously, I would like to write about other things, but I've said that I would in the past, and haven't done so. So my "musings" are pretty limited if you're an Idol fan like myself. We'll see if once this season is over I can start writing some other things on here. I did have a post ready to go about my musical tastes, and how they have developed over the years. Maybe I'll get that posted soon...

ANYWAY, tonight on AI, it's the guy's turn to try to make the top 12. Before tonight's performances get underway, Ryan asks Kara why she and Simon sit so close to each other. Hmmmm...has Ryan been reading my blog? If so, please Ryan, a word of advice: Stop with the annoying pause after the word "THIS" when you say, "This is American Idol"...or, "THIS....(yawn...)...IS AMERICAN IDOL!!" I've always hated that.

Ryan says Kara is Simon's binky. He doesn't know what that means, because I don't believe he has children. But anyway, let's get on the show.

First up is Lee Dewyze, who is one of my favorite guy performers. He sings Owl City's "Fireflies", which in his version is way less annoying than the original. It's actually a nice version of it. When Lee tones it down, he sometimes has pitch problems. But then when he sings with some power, it sounds great. He has to work on that - being consistent throughout the entire song. But overall, I really liked his performance of a song I don't care much for. Good job Lee. It DID end quite abruptly, which was kind of strange. But I liked it. What did the judges think? Randy said it was an odd choice of song, but he liked what Lee did with it. Ellen liked that he changed it up, although he had some pitch problems. That's what I said! Kara said Lee looks confident, and she likes it! She thinks he made it a better song. Uh oh -now her and Simon are pushing each other because of Ryan's comment. Simon said there was nothing to rave about...OMG - he says "I don't think you had a MOMENT"...I'm so sick of him saying that line. Stop Simon! We don't always need a MOMENT!!! Grrrrrr.....Simon said he didn't really care for it, but he thinks Lee will be here for a while. My prediction: Lee is safe and deserves to be in the top 12.

Next up is Alex Lambert, singing Ray LaMontagne (did I spell that correctly?) My friend Eludius (did I spell that correctly?) is a huge Ray LaMontagne fan, so I'll have to ask him what he thought of this performance. Alex still looks nervous up there, and his performance is awkward. I really didn't care for this. Randy said good song choice, but he wasn't blown away by it. They all boo Randy. Ellen said he is becoming a "mushy banana" - that he's ripening too fast. She liked him but warns against becoming a cocky banana. Kara said the only thing preventing him from winning is his belief in himself. And Simon agrees - he thinks Alex doesn't relax and have a good time. Like, imagining Randy in a bikini. Um...no. I personally think all 4 of these people are covering their asses because THEY picked this guy. And he's just not that good. There is a different quality in his voice, but it's inconsistent and like Lilly and Lacey on the girl's side, not my cup o' tea. My prediction: This may be the end of the road for Alex, and I wouldn't lose any sleep over that.

Tim Urban takes on Jeff Buckley's version of "Hallelujah", which was originally written and recorded by Leonard Cohen. Tim sounds like he's trying to do an impression of Buckley rather than just singing it. It's good, but he does absolutely nothing original with it. Then again, that's one of those songs you just shouldn't mess around too much with. Listen to me - I sound like one of the judges. Buckley's version is iconic - you really should stay away from it. It was good, but nothing that was mind blowing. And THIS is the type of song you NEED to blow people away with. Good, but not great. Randy said it was good. Ellen loved it so much she ran up to him and hugged him - AWKWARD. Kara, leaning into Simon, said she thinks Tim will be around for a while. Simon claims responsibility because he gave him a confidence boost last week. Simon said it was terrific for Tim, and his best performance so far. I may have to go back and re-listen to it. I think maybe because Tim was so bad the first week, that he's being judged a little differently than others. My prediction: Tim sticks around...because of a decent sized fan base of 12 year old girls who think he's cute.

Andrew Garcia sings Christina Aguilara's "Genie in a Bottle" - and I really liked it! He was getting tired of hearing over and over how much they loved "Straight Up" by Paula Abdul, but in the end, decided if you can't beat them, join them. So he covers Xtina. Randy said it didn't work for him, although he liked his look! Ellen said it was a great song choice, but liked it more towards the end than the beginning. Kara said she didn't hear that MOMENT (OMG....please ban that word). She said it wasn't great. Simon is with Kara - shocker... He called it desperate! I disagree - I did like it, and I think his voice is way better than most of the guys on this show. I really hope he makes the top 12 and finally shuts the judges up! We need to ban the words "Moment", "Straight Up", "Frustrated", and after tonight, "Binky". Enough! My prediction: I wouldn't be shocked if he goes home, but I sure hope not. I really think he can be something special, but song choice is critical for him.

Wow, they're showing the Iron Man trailer...very nice! Mickey Rourke's' accent? Not sure if I like that, though. And I definitely don't like Terrence Howard missing, although having Don Cheadle in your movie is never a bad thing! BUCK from Boogie Nights... This trailer looks really awesome! Can't wait to see this one...maybe I'll finally go check out one of these blockbusters in the theater... My prediction? This movie makes a TON of moolah.

When we return from the break, we are treated to the sounds of Kara's boy toy - Casey James. He sings "You'll Think of Me" by Keith Urban. Casey has been one of my favorites from day 1 - much like Crystal Bowersox. I feel this version of the song is more bluesy than the original, mostly in part to Casey's voice. I think he does a great job. The guys overall haven't impressed me as much, but Casey is da man...I was impressed. Randy said it was too safe - listen, can we just get the judges picking the songs? I'm tired of them complaining about the song choices. Ellen said it was GREAT. Thank you Ellen! She dug the vibe. Kara said she's "kinda" back on the Casey train (I bet she WISHES she were....) She still wants to see more of a spark, but he's on the right track. Simon said the song was his second best performance - didn't care for the song choice, but he sounded great. My prediction: Casey is safe and deserves to be in the top 12.

Next up is Aaron Kelly, keeping the country vibe with Lonestar's "I'm Already There". I'm convinced that Aaron has trouble singing the quiet, low, understated parts. He is a much stronger singer when he's belting it out, similar to Lee. But he's no Lee. I just think Aaron may not really be ready for this - he's voice is all over the place in this song. Pitchy - he had more moments I didn't care for than ones I did. The crowd loved it, though. Randy said it was really good, but agreed with me that the lower part don't sound as good. Ellen said it was a tough song for him, and didn't think it was very good. Kara said he gave it his all, but he didn't really get the meaning of the song. Simon said that is RUBBISH. Said it was the right type of song, but his vocal wasn't great. It did have emotion, though. He said it was a nice song. My prediction? Aaron has a big fan base, and will stick around. Even though I don't think he should be in the top 12.

Todrick Hall sings "Somebody To Love" by Queen. IN FALSETTO! At least at the beginning. Then he sings normal. I generally liked his performance. He had some very nice moments, especially at the end. Sounds MUCH better than he normally does. So I was pleased with it. Randy said "Todrick is BACK!!" He loved it. Ellen said he was brave - but he did a good job. Kara said it was really good singing. Although she said at times it was a little too "Glee". LOL - nice Fox promo, Kara! Simon said it was good in parts, but not all the way through. He said Todrick is a Broadway singer....and then he uses his most overused cliche..."HAVING SAID THAT..." Simon should put that on T-Shirt with his face on it. So, having said that, he liked it, and it may have saved him. Note the word "MAY..." My prediction? Although I thought he was MUCH better this week, I think he's going home.

Michael Lynche ends the show covering "This Woman's Work" (which was originally done by Kate Bush and was in the movie "She's Having A Baby"). I LOVE the Kate Bush original so so so much that it hurt me to hear the opening of Big Mike's version. However, to quote Randy, Big Mike "worked it out..." He was great. I wasn't going Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs like all of the judges, who claimed it was the best performance ever in recorded history. (Well, that last part of the song WAS incredible...Big Mike - I didn't know you had it in you!!). I think the coolest part was Mike singing to his wife that was there. I think the least coolest part was Kara fake crying. I mean, REALLY? And then Simon gives her a hug. Yeah...anyway, I say very nice work Mike, but I'm not crying over you! LOL. My prediction? Safe as kittens.

So there you have it...can't wait until next week. I really hope we get the 12 best singers of who is left. I'm telling you, if Siobhan/Crystal/Lee/Casey/Big Mike don't make it, something is very wrong with America's voting. We'll see in less than 24 hours!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

American Idol - Season 9 - Week 3 (The Girls)

See those two young women up there? I don't think there is any doubt after this evening that these two, Crystal and Siobhan, are destined for not only the top 12, but possibly the top 4. Of course, it all depends on how America votes, but man...I absolutely LOVE both of them...while I think Crystal is probably the overall better performer, I am so smitten by Siobhan...she's cute, can really sing, and her style is unique. As Simon once said, "You're a silly little thing, aren't you?" (or something like that...)

Anyway, tonight I had the pleasure of watching Idol with some friends of mine, and they had some interesting points that I normally don't point out. For instance, is there some kind of contractual obligation to the word "Frustrated"? Does Simon get bonus points if that comes out of his mouth? And speaking of Simon, just how close can he and Kara get? It always looks like she's leaning into Simon when she gives her thoughts. Please Kara, move away from the cranky Brit....please. Besides, what would Casey say?

Tonight we're down to the final 8 girls...er, ladies. And it's refreshing to NOT have to listen to these horrible packages they put together before the performers go on. So we don't have to see contestants coloring. Or telling us things about themselves that we really don't want to know about anyway.

First up - Katie Stevens, who sings "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson. One of my friends walked in while she was performing and asked why Selena Gomez was taking part in this year's Idol? Good old Katie...well, YOUNG Katie. She sounds kind of flat for most of the song, and I'm bored by it. I was waiting for the moment to kick in and it just doesn't happen. That's not to say she's BAD - just didn't really do the song justice (I mean, Kelly Clarkson is Idol royalty, so you better BRING IT!!) Randy thought the song was too big for her - it paled in comparison to the original. He "didn't get it". Ellen (more on her later) didn't feel that Katie "felt" the song. No personality. Good job Ellen - very true. Kara said Katie has a great radio voice, but that she doesn't know who she is as an artist. Simon (who as mentioned earlier, is practically on top of Kara) said that Katie IS listening to them, and appreciates her trying. But the song was gloomy, and he actually says she sucked! Well, sucked the life out of the song...but still, it was jarring hearing him say that! Post song, Katie explains that she was 8 years old when Kelly Clarkson won Idol (in contrast, I was 31...). My prediction? She stays and makes the top 12. It wasn't that bad, and I think she has a good enough fan base to keep her around.

We go to a commercial, and I hear a really cool song from, of all places, a Diet Coke commercial - I look it up and it's called "Sweet Disposition" by The Temper Trap. I'm kicking myself because that album was the Amazon deal of the day the other day! Reminds me of hearing "So Here We Are" by Bloc Party in a Saturn Commercial, or "We've Been Had" by the Walkmen (also for Saturn), years ago. Good tune. Sorry I missed picking that album up on the cheap. Darn it...oh well. Moving on.

Next up is Siobhan Magnus. I can't wait to hear what she's going to sing - I'm giddy inside! Siobhan's dad is in the audience and reminds me of Brian Johnson from AC/DC. Turns out he's a singer, and he used to sing "House Of The Rising Sun" by The Animals (which, by the way, I also picked up on Amazon's Deal of the Day a while back...but I digress...). So Siobhan is going to sing it for her dad who is in the audience with his Brian Johnson-looking hat and hair. The song starts out very slow, and I'm a little concerned...but really, I should learn by now. Siobhan just brings it EVERY week. And by the time the song is over, I'm blown away again by her pipes. I can't stop looking at that nose ring...and I normally don't like nose rings. Um...anyway, she's got a truly beautiful voice, and I will be royally upset...no, pissed, if she's not here next week. Rather than have me turn this Blog from "Mort's Musings" to "Mort's Love of Siobhan", I'll go to the judges. Randy loves what she does - he said she was HOT! Ellen says she knows that house! She says that Siobhan is why she loves music - it moved her. She calls her spectacular (yes she is Ellen!!) Kara said it was a brilliant choice, and calls her unique and different (so true!). Simon isn't so enamored - he said she didn't do anything with the song, and was under impressed by her "boring, dark" song. BOOOOO Simon. You're wrong dude. My prediction? Mort continues to write his blog because Siobhah makes the top 12. She'll be here next week.

Next up - Lacey Brown. I really want to give this girl another chance, but within the first few seconds of Brandi Carlisle's "The Story", I know this is going to be rough. I thought she did a good job during one song in Hollywood, but that's about it. I'm not sure how to describe Lacey other than to talk about that flaming red hair. She just isn't a very good singer in my opinion - a little too out there, similar to two or three of the other girls who are also "out there". I didn't like this song at all, but then again, I haven't liked anything she's sung since that one song in Hollywood. Randy said while it was boring, it was her best in a while. He liked the way her voice broke up. Ellen agreed - best performance from her so far. Kara said it was effortless (and she means that in a good way), and this is the kind of record she should be doing. Simon didn't love it, but said she sang it really well. I must not be hearing the same thing those 4 are listening to. Either that, or they are spiking those Coke cups with something other than Coke. My prediction is she goes this week. The only thing that makes me doubt that is the judges verbal love for Lacey - could I just be flat out wrong?

Katelyn Epperly sings Carole King's "I Feel The Earth Move" while standing in front of a keyboard. The first thing you notice about Katelyn is her humongous hair, which has a purple glow to it based on the lighting. She's also wearing an outfit that looks like it comes out of a 70's sitcom. Paging Mork and Mindy...Kroft Superstars. Oh, yeah, her singing. It's good, but boring. I didn't really feel any emotion there - again, it's not bad (similar to Katie), but it isn't something I'll remember (wow, I feel like Simon...next I'm going to be telling her she'll be appearing at a night club lounge taking requests from 50 year olds...). And I didn't see the point of her playing the keyboard. Randy likes her hair, but didn't feel the vibe. Felt put on and not special at all. One of my friends points out that Ellen's neck doesn't match her face. In other words, she's had some work done. Regardless, Ellen didn't think it was a good song to wow people. Kara said it didn't feel like she was competing this week. Simon likes her hair. He said it was kind of like request night at a restaurant that she is working at, and she sings it OK, but nothing special. Not the song to sing when you're fighting for your life. My prediction? Well, after thinking about it, maybe Katelyn is one of the two to go this week rather than Lacey. Hmmmm......I'd much rather have Katelyn around than Lacey, but I think American might go with the judges. We'll see.

Didi Benami sings "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac. Taking on Stevie Nicks isn't easy, but after listening to this about 3 times, I actually like it. I didn't care for it the first time, but unlike Lacey (sorry, I'm not pickin' on you Lace!), this grows on me. I kinda dig Didi, although I think after a while I may get sick of listening to her. I don't know - but I also didn't think she was bad last week (the judges HATED her last week). Randy said it was much better than last week, even though it didn't have any wow moments. Ellen likes Didi's spunk - the fact that she got back up and came back this evening and did well. Good job. Kara said it was one of her favorite moments of the show this season. She was surprised at how she made this song her own. Simon agreed with Kara - he said it was head and shoulders above anything they've heard tonight (Um...no Simon, it was good, but c'mon...) I think Didi will stick around and make the top 12.

Paige Miles sings "Smile" (made famous by Nat King Cole, I think??). Paige is way off tonight - I am really surprised, because I thought she had a nice voice, but she's pitchy and all over the place. Just when she hits a good note, she hits two bad notes. Definitely not the right song choice, and I really didn't like it at all. Painful at times!! Randy said that song is one of his favorites, but she didn't do it justice. Said he felt like he was at a banquet and wanted to know what everyone was having for dinner. Wha???? Ellen didn't like it - not the right song to wow us. Kara agreed with Randy and Ellen. It was "all wrong". Paige tries to explain what went wrong, but ends up making no sense whatsoever. Simon said it was a horrible choice of a song, and the arrangement was awful. He said this was a "peanut performance" because normally people are at a bar eating peanuts, listening to that type of song. Uh oh - Simon says it could be the end of the road. That spells certain doom - I predict Paige is gone this week. Book it!!

Good LORD this is a long review!!! Oy vey... OK, I'll try to speed it up, but CRYSTAL is up next! And wow, they are selling Shrimp at Taco Bell? I don't know about that....

OK, Crystal Bowersox - my girl (next to Siobhan)...she sings Tracy Chapman's "Gimme One Reason". Wow. Just flat out WOW. Even better than Siobhan's performance tonight. Just a true professional. And yes, I keep looking at the teeth, but really, who cares? She can SING. SIIIIIING!!!!! I really will be shocked if she doesn't make the top 4, and to be honest, at the rate she's going, I can see her winning it all. There are always contestants who just have "it". I feel like Crystal is one of those performers. She's ready to sing NOW and record NOW. Great job Crystal! The judges all love her - Randy loved it all. He's a big fan, and it was "hot". Ellen needs to come up with new adjectives for her. Best of the night. Kara said it's easy for her, and can see what type of record she's going to be making (Kara is obsessed with what kind of records people are going to make). Simon said she was easily the best and she's the one to beat. She has the confidence. Go Crystal!!!

Lily Scott finishes the show with "I Fall To Pieces" by Patsy Cline. Lilly is the space cadet sandwich maker who is so different...so unique. Yes, I am getting tired of hearing her over enunciate everything, and trail off her notes. Listen, I'm just getting tired so I'm going to wrap this up quick. Randy, Ellen, and Kara loved it. Simon thought it was good, but risky...didn't have the "Wow Factor" (another cliche!!). Again, like Lacey, I don't get her, but the judges seem to think she could make it. So we'll see. I predict she says this week.

So my two girls to go are Lacey/Katelyn (one of them) and Paige. Although I could also see Katie going possibly as maybe her fan base isn't as strong as I think. Two who will NOT be going are at the top of this blog posting. Siobhan and Crystal, keep up the great work!

OK, good night all! See you tomorrow for the guy's turn. Then next week - top 12...finally! This season has been rough so far, but there are some diamonds in there...